Saephis said:
You mean the fact that Sarr have to look certain ways, and have different social standings within eachother? And the fact that Sarr are often, because they aren't scavengers, considered "higher" than Scavengers? Look beyond the sheets, this is a role playing game. Part of the Sarr imbalance is being addressed with the next edition, from what I've seen, also. So settle down on that.
Again, Biata/Stone Elf mind-woogee is being addressed in the upcoming rules edition. But, MWE's also get access (Far easier) to the Vale of their folk, and the reduced Craftsmans are somewhat balanced out by having to buy a certain number by a certain level.
Please note that all of these 'beyond the sheet' abilities you discuss here are purely based on your
local plot team running with them. I have never, in any of the five chapters I've played in so far, encountered such a thing as a Vale, or enough Sarr for them to be seen as anything other than another sort of Scavenger, mildly more civilized.
Also, 'It will be addressed in the upcoming rules' is a poor reason to curtail discussion when the majority of the playerbase has not
seen said updates, or been given any idea what they will be.
tieran said:
And biata lose access to Celestial magic.
True, I forgot that bit, as well as the MWE losing access to all command effects, unless they can 'talk themselves into' using the non-dominate and enslavement ones.