Mystic Wood Elf make-up req change.

Well for that matter I do agree that Ears aren't really all that much trouble... just anoying if/when you have to get that cell phone call...

I sleep in full DE makeup all weekend so I totally agree with the sleeping-incharacter bit. Heck last event I actuall DREAMED in-character friday night. Woke up pretty amazed the next morning! (Incidentaly it wasn't exactly a happy dream... go figure. =P)
Wraith said:
Or Biata vs MWE, wherein the racials are identical, only the biata get RP only mentalism whereas MWE have to wear an additional physrep and get one build off on C/O's.

And biata lose access to Celestial magic.
I'm with Susan here - I don't see any reason to change the makeup or prosthetic requirements of MWEs. If people really feel that we need to change the name to something more appropriate, that's one thing, but a change in name doesn't require costuming changes.

I've never heard anybody complain about needing to wear ears and horns. I also don't get the argument that the pointed ears don't make in-game sense. As Susan mentioned, they were supposed to be a cross between elves and saytrs - hence one physical attribute of each.

It almost sounds like some folks are in the "hey if we're changing a bunch of other stuff, I think we should change this too" kind of mindset without there really being a need for some of these changes.
Saephis said:
You mean the fact that Sarr have to look certain ways, and have different social standings within eachother? And the fact that Sarr are often, because they aren't scavengers, considered "higher" than Scavengers? Look beyond the sheets, this is a role playing game. Part of the Sarr imbalance is being addressed with the next edition, from what I've seen, also. So settle down on that.

Again, Biata/Stone Elf mind-woogee is being addressed in the upcoming rules edition. But, MWE's also get access (Far easier) to the Vale of their folk, and the reduced Craftsmans are somewhat balanced out by having to buy a certain number by a certain level.

Please note that all of these 'beyond the sheet' abilities you discuss here are purely based on your local plot team running with them. I have never, in any of the five chapters I've played in so far, encountered such a thing as a Vale, or enough Sarr for them to be seen as anything other than another sort of Scavenger, mildly more civilized.

Also, 'It will be addressed in the upcoming rules' is a poor reason to curtail discussion when the majority of the playerbase has not seen said updates, or been given any idea what they will be.

tieran said:
And biata lose access to Celestial magic.

True, I forgot that bit, as well as the MWE losing access to all command effects, unless they can 'talk themselves into' using the non-dominate and enslavement ones.
Wraith said:
Saephis said:
You mean the fact that Sarr have to look certain ways, and have different social standings within eachother? And the fact that Sarr are often, because they aren't scavengers, considered "higher" than Scavengers? Look beyond the sheets, this is a role playing game. Part of the Sarr imbalance is being addressed with the next edition, from what I've seen, also. So settle down on that.

Again, Biata/Stone Elf mind-woogee is being addressed in the upcoming rules edition. But, MWE's also get access (Far easier) to the Vale of their folk, and the reduced Craftsmans are somewhat balanced out by having to buy a certain number by a certain level.

Please note that all of these 'beyond the sheet' abilities you discuss here are purely based on your local plot team running with them. I have never, in any of the five chapters I've played in so far, encountered such a thing as a Vale, or enough Sarr for them to be seen as anything other than another sort of Scavenger, mildly more civilized.

Also, 'It will be addressed in the upcoming rules' is a poor reason to curtail discussion when the majority of the playerbase has not seen said updates, or been given any idea what they will be.

tieran said:
And biata lose access to Celestial magic.

True, I forgot that bit, as well as the MWE losing access to all command effects, unless they can 'talk themselves into' using the non-dominate and enslavement ones.

The number of people playing any one given race is cyclical in many cases, and is going to vary from place to place. When I first started playing it seemed like there were elves all over the place. Lately on the EC sarr are appearing in much larger numbers, as are biata. The January Ohio event had 11 Sarr. Both Sarr and Biata have some pretty heavy restrictions, and yet they are becoming two of the most often-played races in our area. Our last event we had equally high numbers of Sarr, MWE's and Dark Elves.

Saying that sarr seem like scavengers where you play is just that - where you play. That's not the case out here. You may have a lot of some other race that we have very little of. The dynamics of races are going to change both by location, and over time. And yes, much of it is up to your local plot team and how well the work with the race packets and make the various races "cool" to play. If you think your local plot team isn't doing enough of this, or isn't sticking to the national portion of the race packet, tell them so. That's not a problem with the rules/requirements of those races, it's something to discuss with your chapter.
Ezri said:
Saying that sarr seem like scavengers where you play is just that - where you play. That's not the case out here. You may have a lot of some other race that we have very little of. The dynamics of races are going to change both by location, and over time. And yes, much of it is up to your local plot team and how well the work with the race packets and make the various races "cool" to play. If you think your local plot team isn't doing enough of this, or isn't sticking to the national portion of the race packet, tell them so. That's not a problem with the rules/requirements of those races, it's something to discuss with your chapter.

I think we're arguing the same point here, Ezri. My point was that counting on the in-game atmosphere for races to make up for book restrictions only works if all the chapters are working that in-game atmosphere, not just the ones in any particular geographic area.
That's what I get for trying to have an intelligent conversation after working 30 hour straight... I'll have a more coherent and useful post sometime in the near future ;)
There are enough creatures with pointy ears that if Mystic wood folk were a combo of a plethora of choices of mythos that it would be perfectly acceptable. the ears don't (in my mind anyways) write them off as being half elf automatically. It seems silly to change it for comfort or distance from the elven races! I think it's fine exactly how it is.
roycifer said:
I think we should give them all a tail, too... :lol:

I kinda really like that idea. That could be a *lot* of fun.
Marcena said:
For the MWEs already there to randomly sprout a tail?!

"Umm... hey guys? I, uh.... I woke up with *this*...."

Besides, it could be very sensitive, MWEs need another erogenous zone.

"Would you stop playing with that? You're gonna go blind!"
"Well, I'm bored! When are we gonna raid the ogre camp?"
Warlock said:
Besides, it could be very sensitive, MWEs need another erogenous zone.

Isn't "erogenous zone" what you call the area of town where all the MWEs are?
If you add a tail rep to another of my characters, I will find you and hang dead weasels about your doorway. :D
Let's keep in mind that removing ears or adding a tail are 100% "personal preference" rules changes. As has been stated many times, the Alliance aims to be conservative about rules changes and to only change rules if they are broken or if they would be tremendously improved by changing them. For everyone who would like to remove the ears or add a tail, you'll have someone who doesn't.

Also note, I'm not trying to stifle any "wouldn't that be cool" conversation. That's part of the fun of discussing rules, so feel free to keep discussing this. Just don't be surprised when a lot of these discussions end up just that, discussions. The ARC does read these boards however, and we do try to take player feedback and conversation into account. At the very least, we pay attention to it :P

Alliance ARC
HQ General Manager
Sunnfire said:
We should add pink tutus to the dark elf costume requirement.

As long as there is a pink eye patch to match. LOL

Justin H-
Personally I think Orcs should be required to wear all orange costuming.. because I like pumpkins.

As well, all humans should have to have a single horn, like a unicorn, because it would amuse me.
All Biata should be required to dress up in giant yellow bird suits, and all mods encountering Biata NPCs should result in brawls resembling Peter Griffin Vs Giant Chicken on the Family Guy.