Planning on Playing a Dryad?

no no no there are always mods where you go there and suddenly undead are just talk....but i have heard of people fouling up the RP by attacking stuff without reason...

what is QFT?????? jeepers
Quoted For Truth.

I play a gypsy artisan too. Goes on mods, gets beat up...just kinda wish someone would shout before hand "THIS IS A ROLE PLAY MOD!":P
or...."perhaps you should stay behind unless you're a good fighter"
hehehehehheh i never get the "no really you WANT to follow this person to help them blah blah blah"
Marcena said:
Quoted For Truth.

I play a gypsy artisan too. Goes on mods, gets beat up...just kinda wish someone would shout before hand "THIS IS A ROLE PLAY MOD!":P

Most (not all) mods can be maneuvered with little to no fighting. It depends on how you play it. NO you're not going to win a verbal discussion with a mindless zombie, but if it talks...

I really hate it when somebody announces OOG stuff like that. It completely breaks the atmosphere. There are plenty of IG ways for the hook to indicate what kind of group is best suited for the task. "I need some people who can convince so-and-so to do X" or "I need somebody who has a way with words" works much better in-game than "Hay yous guys who wants to go on a roleplay mod?" (Ironic that you suggest completely breaking roleplay to try to hook a roleplay mod).

On the flip side, it's also up to you as a PC to make it known that you have these skills. For example, if I know we're going on a mission where there are likely to be a lot of details and facts to remember (like recon of some sort), I KNOW I'm bringing Daralassia because she's good with that. If I know there are going to be traps or locks I'm bringing Andros. If it's puzzle solving, I'm bringing Ren... People are going to choose a party that they think will get the job done.

You can't expect your character to be included in things that you as a player want to do unless you make it known that including you is a good idea. Otherwise you just have to really hope to be in the right place at the right time.

Now if you feel that your chapter of choice isn't running enough mods that are roleplay oriented to start with, that's something to bring up to your chapter staff.
Boffer arrows were a wonderful thing of my childhood. At around 11 years old.

"Yes sis?"
"You want to learn to play (what is now Alliance and formerly a differently named LARP)?"
"Okay...c'mon out into the backyard..."

"Okay, what am I supposed to do sis?"
*knocks arrow* "Dodge these!" *Thwa-toomph!* (cuz thats the noise one of those things makes.....)

i guess i was sort of joking about someone actually saying "i'm hooking a mod". didn't think anyone would take that seriously. my chapter runs a ton of stuff i just am usually too busy to do any of it so i go whenever i get a moment but usually its the wrong mod for me HEHEHEHEH...but not this next season baby!!! :::doing the I-dont-have-to-run-the-tavern dance:::
You might have been joking but I've seen people do it and it irritates me to no end.
i'm with Michelle. no pc can complain that there is no plot going on or role play available... at least not at HQ. too many times PCs rush in, kill everything, then bitch about not understanding what is going on.
Ezri said:
You might have been joking but I've seen people do it and it irritates me to no end.


Aside from the odd mindless undead battle, there's pretty much always roleplay on a mod -- and there are tactful ways to say it. There are tons of IG cues to OOG situations. As Michelle said, "I need someone who's good with words" is a fine example for "this one is mostly roleplay". When hooking a mod, NPCs try to give as many of these cues as possible, but it's by no means entirely up to them. PCs need to hold up their end of it as well.
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
okay so...if you don't mind getting hurt more than usual then i suppose that's cool....

Been playing in a LARP that uses those for the last 7 year and never been hurt by them.

I love the costumes. We had a couple 'goat scavengers' show up in our game last weekend in San Francisco. I have a sneaky suspicion that they are more than they appear. ;)

I can't wait for some Dryads to show up though so I can refuse to serve them in my tavern. :)
heheheheheh you and the not serving dryads!!! too funny....i wish i could be a fly on the wall for your character's first encounter with character got to meet her first one this last event and it was really cool...they're old...which was sorta neat...I also dislike too much OOG chat in game because for those of us (ME) who stink at takes everything i have to just try to put myself in my char's situation...when someone talks out of game it makes it harder...but then I figured we're all just there to have fun. as long as we're doing our best its all good.......I REALLY can't wait to see more dryads next season though!!!! i'm excited to see a fungus!
why do we name yummy chocolates after fungus?


seriously though...i know you're not a specific plant but you're more like a specific species of plant/tree, etc in the sense of fungus, aquatic, bark, bush...etc....but if there was someone who looked like a venus fly trap type of bush that would be cute..
markusdark said:
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
okay so...if you don't mind getting hurt more than usual then i suppose that's cool....

Been playing in a LARP that uses those for the last 7 year and never been hurt by them.

I remember having a somewhat serious injury once with them in our game, though, when someone in a module used the arrows and hit Craig Walton (one of the NERO founders) in the throat -- it really hurt and he couldn't talk for the rest of the day...

At short range, they're a lot more dangerous, and at long range, they are easy to bat out of the way and are very unreliable. If you want to be effective as an archer, packets are much better in my opinion, even if they don't look as cool.
so i'm considering making my dryad an archer and an earth caster...(two things i've NEVER DONE so it will be exciting) does anyone else out there do it and get confused as to which packet you're picking? the one with ribbons or the ones without....
my g/f plays a wild elf templar that is earth / archer. Yes she does have that problem. She has been making differnt things to hold the arrows/packets in as a part of her gear. I don't really think we have found the best solution yet.

She asked me if she could make an elastic slip of some kind for part of her bow above the grip that could hold arrow packets. I said I wasn't sure because it would be on the padded part of the bow and didn't know if that would be frowned upon even though a bow is not a striking weapon.
thats a good could make them out of turtle fur (the arrow packets) then put a piece of velcro along the bow and stick them to it
she was thiking more of an elastic slip with threaded loops in it, slip the tail of the packet in the loop so they don't fall off but can be easily retrieved. could probably carry a decent amount of them that way. plus she'd have to draw the packet from there to throw it, so she still has the "draw back" you have to mime for the arrow.