Tzydl Zhitelava
my home chapter has the BOMBDIGGETYEST (yup its a word now) dryad story line going on with NPCs. the introduction of the dryads is amazing and this past event we met one that had gone terribly wrong because he woke up in a dead part of the forest and so..poor lil nettle woke up to death...was so sad...and then ashara and barky had to turn their backs on him because he'd lost it and stuff...was soooooooo sad!!!! the walk through first forest ROCKED!! although i'm a bit angry that gypsies really COULDN"T pick jelly beans from the air since through the walk through first forest tzydl and roth were plucking invisible jelly beans outta the air but oh well....i'm so excited to make Tempesta DeepReed that I could bounce...for christmas i think i'm getting more costuming parts!! but i have to play tzydl and NPC this next season so i guess tempesta will come out in 2010 heheheh maybe make an appearance at the end of 09