Everyone helps.
For those at this last gather I had sent Allara, and myself around for donations, and I have spoken briefly regarding the building of a refugee camp, infrastructure etc for managing the resources that we will gain, and well as those that we will need in order to build the best possible place. We will need to coordinate what people are coming in, and what skill sets we have, and how best to use them for maximum effect. We already have some of the dispossessed coming in, and need to move quickly. I have begun looking for a defensible place, and we have offers from the dwarves, and others to rebuild sections of the wall, as well as Nye, and another who wish to build farms. I have served as the Seneschal for a Crown Duchy, and very familiar with lists, paperwork, and organizing such endeavors. All of you are correct, and we will address all of these issues, from farming, to trapping, to defenses, to latrines, stake pits, cooking areas, tannery, smithy, etc. In order to best serve the people, and to keep ourselves from stepping on our own toes, or each others, we need to get a solid plan. I can be this hub so that everyone knows what everyone is doing, needs, and that those needs are met. But, in order to make this work I need your help. That being said let us take this discussion to a more pedestrian place.
((( I.E. please email me @
illyankesh@gmail.com and we can get a doc together, and submit our downtimes together for best effect)))
I would like to put together a list of what we are working on, what we need, and make sure we all have, the hands we need to make it happen, that way by next gather we can have an infrastructure in place to accommodate those dispossessed that are here, and those that are coming in, even as we speak here. We have made alliances with Allara and they are hopefully sending one of their foreman, and builders to aid us. If you come across this gentleman please send them to me, and or the Magistrate they are here to help. Allara has also promised aid in the form of construction materials, and finished goods for our aid in their fight.
Here is what I have for a list so far, started at the end of the gather
Stage 1:
Defensible location for dispossessed to camp, Latrines, Cooking area.
-Defenses, Trenching, Stake pits, pits
We can finish stage 1 in a couple of days with a lot of hands working.
Stage 2:
It is unlikely we will be able to get a decent crop in the ground before winter hits so anything that grows cold we should plant. If not donations
should go towards preserves and foodstuffs, hunting, and trapping. Those so inclined can teach dispossessed the ways of the hunt to supplement skill sets, and get them participating. Such efforts are necessary for the community, and invaluable for morale. Meals taste better when people have helped to earn them.
Fencing, Pallisade. Rudimentary wall, made of wood. As we have many hands we can fell lumber in decent quantities. We will need it for fuel, for heat, and the smithy, and other shops. Smaller wood is kindling, or stakes for the stake pits, and defenses, Larger pieces become the Pallisade, or wall. Hides from the hunted get tanned, and staked to the outside of the wall, to mitigate fire arrows, and fire damage. Burning tanned leather is really hard.
Many hands will make both of these larger projects much lighter. We will likely get much of this done before the next gather weather, and effort willing.
In the meantime, we need teachers of all schools, and flavors to pass on their knowledge of the arts martial, healing, celestial magics, alchemy, the hunt anything. We have already encounter some of the dispossessed that are competent horsewoman, and perhaps a budding celestial scholar. They are just the tip of the iceberg. As you encounter them, talk to them, send them to myself, Dalaren, and especially the magistrate.
We need to get them placed, situated, fed, and then once acclimated contributing to the "tribe" as it were. Everyone works, everyone eats, everyone fights. We have xbows in vast quantities, weapons, ammunition, etc. I am not expecting them to be front liners, that is what we are for. But some of them may pick up the sword, some may pick up a wand, some a bow, and others yet may be plugging the holes in our hides.
We need all of it.
Stage 3:
I am hoping for workshops, longhouses, and the beginnings of a stone wall, but we can talk about that in the days to come. For now we have defenses to build.