Refugees and Farms

First Plot Clarification: A majority of the goblin carcasses have not been dissipating. There are bunch of goblin bodies in the Ceriopolis area, now.

Second Plot Clarification: Unless it is clearly marked that antagonists are intended to see the forum topic assume there is a bit of control on dreamscape conversations allowing for a level of security.

Note: Not all NPCs are antagonists. In laymen terms, obvious black hats (obvious bad guys) can be pushed out. Grey hats (not-so-bad guys or on-the-fence guys) may or may not have access. White hats (obvious-on-your-side guys) can participate. We want to promote communication and player interaction, so it is safe to assume the Savage Legion is not eavesdropping.

- Your Friendly Plot Team]
Dearest Colleagues -

Apologies for the delay in response to this extremely urgent matter. The New Leaf Academy faculty would also like to support this endeavor in any way that we can. We can provide the following resources and services:
  • Heal the injured
  • Teach healing skills; assist with teaching other combat techniques
  • Shelter those who may need it
  • Provide coin we have in our coffers to support any affiliated efforts
  • Potentially provide knowledge as to where the wall once stood (should this not have been found yet)
In service.

Headmaster Garrick Aragon
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