I have a secondary Brown Bear Scavenger I played once at a winter low-level event -- playing Boris was a hoot. Lumbering, solitary, with a cross bow (good for fighting in caves), with Racial Slay, Racial Prof. But I can only play him at a winter event because the costuming is a heavy fake fur anorak, and it would be too warm to play in anything but cold weather. One day we had almost 40 degrees, and even with no other clothes under the anorak I sweat like a ... well like a big old sweaty bear on a warm day until the brown face makeup began to run.
Boris the Bear? Haha! Classic! I approve!

My star-nosed mole will have gypsy curse and resist poison, I think. Or maybe resist poison and resist fear. I don't know yet....
Ondreij said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
I already have my duck bill prosthetic for whenever I get around to my Platypus scavvie. Claws and Res. Element for racials. Either Rogue or Scou for class. I'll even be trying to see if I can get a foam boomerang (or woomera) to fly properly!

The claws, I can certainly see that ... but Resist Element? - I am not sure I can see that.

Seth / Ondreij Asclepius

The platypus can sense electrical fields with its bill. Sight is practically useless in muddy water and this is how they find crayfish and similar little critters to eat. Seems a small jump from sensing to resisting.
Hammerfist said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
I already have my duck bill prosthetic for whenever I get around to my Platypus scavvie. Claws and Res. Element for racials. Either Rogue or Scout for class. I'll even be trying to see if I can get a foam boomerang (or woomera) to fly properly!
I really think that claws and resist poison would be more fitting as the Paltypus has poisoned barbs on the back legs. Thus needing to be resistant to the poison themselves to avoid self inflicted wounds.

I did consider Res. Poison for that reason, but I now have a different take on the poison glands that the male platypus has. He's going to be an alchemist and instead of just mixing elixirs in a lab he will eat the necessary herbal ingredients and actually secrete them from his own poison gland! With roleplaying that plus Resist Element and Claws I'll be catching all three identifiable features. Then there's the bill which will be on the prosthetic.
Marcena said:
My star-nosed mole will have gypsy curse and resist poison, I think.

How do you justify Gypsy Curse?
I think a more suitable racial to go along with Claws for a Mole Scavenger would be Resist Fear. My reason being that the militaristic term mole directly comes from the animal and its ability to go unnoticed and blend in with the environment with little or no signs of intrusion. Soldiers would be regularly interrogated by drastic means to check for enemy soldiers while the moles were trained to withstand it. Sometimes soldiers would be outright killed if the suspicion was high enough which links to the phrase "making a mountain out of a molehill". Natural moles are relentless pests for flora and nothing short of outright killing them or seismic tremors will lodge them from a place they take a liking to.
That being said, this is a huge stretch. I think it fits more than any other racial would, though.
If Gypsy curse is a special only Gypsy racial where do you draw the line? Because of its name? I don't know the official rule on that but it seems like a slippery slope...
It is not useable by Gypsies period... but that is one of those racials that is kind of iffy and I would not be too disheartened if your local plot committee said no to that particular racial ability unless you were... say... a Gypsy Moth scavenger. In fact any chapter's plot committee can say no to any scavengers special racials they want, if you play in their chapter.

The only things (according to the rulebook) scavvies may not have are the mental abilities of Stone Elves or Biata. As long as it makes sense, there should not be any worries.
Actually, John F approved gypsy curse for the gypsy moth Scavenger my wife is planning on playing in NJ.

I personally can't think of any other animals or insects that could 'curse' you, but I am sure there are one or two others that it could make sense with.

Lice maybe, those things were like a curse, popping out of your head in the middle of wave battles.
I thought i was so original then i went to a work day and someone else there is making a bat scavenger but then she is making a fruit bat (flying fox) and i'm gonna have a vampire bat scavenger so its all good! yay! as for what she would be its very hard. I'm not sure what she would be. Maybe a magic type person which would be SO HARD to play due to all the memorization and i'm memory's not what it used to be ...heheheheh definitely not a wingers would get in the way. hehehe

as for gypsy moths.......are insects allowed as scavengers? thats rad!
i might vomit and freeze with fear if i ever saw a spider scavenger....ugh....::green:::
You can take any racial with your scavenger that 1) has a build cost and 2) your local plot/logistics approves.

In Ohio, for instance, you can try to take Resist Magic or Gypsy Curse as a scavenger but you're going to have a hell of a time convincing Staff that its a logical choice... and not just power gaming or random.

That said the local Scavenger packet includes Fox Scavengers and they have a culture very similar to Gypsies and very heavy with divination and fortune telling- so one of their "suggested racial skills" is Gypsy Curse to promote the RP of their culture. You're not required to take it of course (and personally I never would)... but yeah. lol
Sunnfire said:
Actually, John F approved gypsy curse for the gypsy moth Scavenger my wife is planning on playing in NJ.

I personally can't think of any other animals or insects that could 'curse' you, but I am sure there are one or two others that it could make sense with.

Gypsy Curse was approved in HQ for my Raven scavenger. Going by real-world, myth/lore archetypes, ravens are Trickster totems. What easier way to pull a trick on someone that to Gypsy Curse them?!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
i might vomit and freeze with fear if i ever saw a spider scavenger....ugh....::green:::

Better hope you're never in NJ when Am-senef is around. She even has the black widow hourglass mark under her chin to let you know she means business.

For the Bats listed above: NJ has a Bat scavenger, too. He carries fruit around all the time. :)
I would LOVE to see the gypsy moth scavenger I heard her talking about the process of playing it and it just got me so excited to play a scavenger that even though this is my first year playing my gypsy character i already have my secondary bat scavenger character in the works costume wise. i just cannot figure out what she will be ie: class/hobbies/history. its a work in for a black widow scavenger...>UGH!!!!! too scary!!! i just.......i couldn't...if i see one i would have to avoid it and it would be an OOG thing crossing into my IG stuff....that would stink but i just have such a fear of spiders. i really should work on getting over that.......