Marcena said:

Hope this helps!

In another thread someone asked me about the ears I use for my Sarr. Third down on the left on that page are the ones I use.
after looking at a ton of ears and only finding some that cost a cajillion bucks i'm gonna make my own...vampire bats don't really have.....ears? they have two huge sattelites on either side of their i'm gonna make my own out of a headband
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
after looking at a ton of ears and only finding some that cost a cajillion bucks i'm gonna make my own...vampire bats don't really have.....ears? they have two huge sattelites on either side of their i'm gonna make my own out of a headband

Under $20 is NOT a cajillion dollars.

Reel F/X has ones called Evil Ears. Larger than your average elf ear but not really huge.
no no the woochie site you guys sent was cheap i just can't find ones that are what i'm looking for...namely because vampire bats ears are so HUGE
gonna get a headband...and make fleshy/furry ears that attached to the sides around the hole headband and they will go right behind my real ears which will only make it neccessary to spirit gum the backs of my hears to the fronts of the ears I make :D
Fynwei said:
I've been playing with the idea of starting an Opossum Scavenger. I'd agree, I'd play the diet of them as an RP flavor; a treat. (there's no way you'd find me eating bugs)
Because a scavenger is humaniod, that puts in a few extra food needs, because the nutrition in blood would not be enough. It'd need solid food.

by GreyGrimGrave on Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:45 pm

I say U can munch on Gummie worms and the like if U can stomach them. Great fun watching RP on peoples faces. I like offering my nightcrawlers to folks... for some reason I always have a full bag.

Incidentally I'm returning to Alliance from Ye Oldie Ashbury days (I have not played in a long while). I love reading the In Game and OOG stuff U all write. I'll post only when I think I have some new knowledge to add. Some of it is very enlightening. Hope to RolePlay with U all soon (within the year or so).

Grey GrimGrave :D