Marcena said:
Hope this helps!
In another thread someone asked me about the ears I use for my Sarr. Third down on the left on that page are the ones I use.
Marcena said:
Hope this helps!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:after looking at a ton of ears and only finding some that cost a cajillion bucks i'm gonna make my own...vampire bats don't really have.....ears? they have two huge sattelites on either side of their i'm gonna make my own out of a headband
Fynwei said:I've been playing with the idea of starting an Opossum Scavenger. I'd agree, I'd play the diet of them as an RP flavor; a treat. (there's no way you'd find me eating bugs)
Because a scavenger is humaniod, that puts in a few extra food needs, because the nutrition in blood would not be enough. It'd need solid food.