Stone Elfs

German Dark Elves hell yea I could did that! =)

I repeat however Tolkien dark elves modeled after the elves that didn't go to Valar are pretty cool... =P (me a Tolkien fanatic = picking both my first and last DE name from Tolkien sources...)

Incidentally are there national race packets for all the races? Because I have played a DE in both the MN chapter and Wayside (Chicago) and I haven't seen any race packets. Now I understand if local folks haven't had the time to pull them together but is there something bigger that I could request at the national level?

*edit* kind of satisfying that me who started this thread randomly has seemed to get allot of the topers. =P
If there will be German Dark Elves, then Stone Elves must be something similar while being completely different at the same time.
Yes; Austrian Stone Elves. The first person to PC a SElf named Ahnuld gets bonus points. :lol:
Dreamingfurther said:
Incidentally are there national race packets for all the races?

There is a National section that is supposed to go in the front of each race packet. The basis for the RP of the race, make-up requirements, a story for "flavor" and perhaps some non-specific, ancient history. Behind that goes the local section with complete IG culture as designed by local plot. The idea is that, at its core, each individual race is supposed to be the same thing with local twists added..
Telokh_Amdo said:
Dreamingfurther said:
Incidentally are there national race packets for all the races?

There is a National section that is supposed to go in the front of each race packet. The basis for the RP of the race, make-up requirements, a story for "flavor" and perhaps some non-specific, ancient history. Behind that goes the local section with complete IG culture as designed by local plot. The idea is that, at its core, each individual race is supposed to be the same thing with local twists added..

Huh, well one of these days I should would like to see ANY sort of offical packet. =\ I haven't to date so far.
Have you at least been given some direction as to how your chapter's version of Dark elves culture works? You need something to go on.
Meh only very vague comments that make me decide I didn't want my Dark Elf to be from my home chapter’s background.

I was wondering on that note could I e-mail one of the other chapters and ask for their Dark Elf packet to base in their chapter although they aren't my home chapter. I thought I heard something about that in the past and that’s basically what I want to do. Because currently my home is MN but I'm going to be out east most of the summer anyways...
Home chapter is a database thing. Your IG home and OOG home can be completely different. IG home affects role-play. OOG home (what database you store a character in) determines where you can get monthly blankets and buy back deaths.

Currently I have gobbies in 7 chapters, with a character homed in each of them (or in the process of doing so). It really isn't feasible for role-play to have a character be from a land that I've never been to IG. Three characters are unplayed, so their IG homes are up in the air. The others are either from HQ or NJ, the two chapters I play the most and are closest to me.