The Rules of Adventuring.

163. Always help the new adventures coming into town. It'll make it easier to rob them later and they'll have more stuff to steal.

(I've never done this but I swear I've watched people do it)
Artos said:
163. Always help the new adventures coming into town. It'll make it easier to rob them later and they'll have more stuff to steal.

(I've never done this but I swear I've watched people do it)

if you watched it happen you are guilty through neglagence :lol:
164. Thrown weapon is the cheapest and most effective way to end any villians monologuing.

IG: Majid Muhhannad Wa Ghalib Ibn Adam Ghazi Justicar of Silverfell
OG: Ippokratis Koukos
165. Amnesia is a squire's best friend's best friend.
That statement should be phrased in the form of a rule.
166. A squire's best friend's best friend often causes the squire to want to punch the best friend. If he could only remember.
167. If your mod is going really well, it's an ambush.

168. If the big bad is within spell/arrow range, so are you.

169. Experience is something you never get until just after you need it.

170. When in doubt, play dead. If you look inconspicuous enough they might walk past you.
Gwendara said:
168. If the big bad is within spell/arrow range, so are you.

I do not subscribe to this... I have seen some casters/archers that have a range just outside their own shadow at noon...
Tempest said:
Gwendara said:
168. If the big bad is within spell/arrow range, so are you.

I do not subscribe to this... I have seen some casters/archers that have a range just outside their own shadow at noon...

Oi, there is always an exception to every rule, and if you let your big bad be the guy that can't throw packets...
Gwendara said:
Oi, there is always an exception to every rule, and if you let your big bad be the guy that can't throw packets...

... then he better be able to swing pipe.
169. It doesn't matter if you're a better swordsman than your opponent if he swings 15's and you swing 2's
obcidian_bandit said:
...then you're not that much better. I've seen that fight won.

I've won that fight. Assuming the players and NPCs are actually fighting to the rules rather than the 12 swings one damage call method, it is totally doable. :D

And today's rule :

170. If they're wearing gloves, don't take anything they hand you. It's probably poisonous.
this could devolve real quickly... but I'm just gonna say it.

IMO if someone wins a 2's vs. 15's kind of fight, that's not really the spirit of what the rules are supposed to do for the game... IG stats are supposed to balance OOG skill...

just saying
Dreamingfurther said:
this could devolve real quickly... but I'm just gonna say it.

IMO if someone wins a 2's vs. 15's kind of fight, that's not really the spirit of what the rules are supposed to do for the game... IG stats are supposed to balance OOG skill...

just saying

So you're saying that if I swing 15s and you swing 2s I should be able to just say "You're down"? :P