The story...

....were of no use having been horribly distracted of their original intent by something shiny! So with no other option he......
jumped out the window, landing safely upon the jumble of MWEs gathered around a crunched up soda can. Upon hitting the clump of MWEs...
...a nervous giggle erupted from his lips. There's nothing quite like the uncomfortable feeling of...
being in the middle of a group of child-like MWEs. Having removed the shiny object from their view by falling on it (rather uncomfortable for him) they..
Undead administrative assistant that smelled of rotting fish and chips! She mumbled something and shuffle-staggered towards them in a very undead movie zombie kind of way, lifting her arm to point at them and a bit of black goo oozed from her mouth, but she had a very nice necklace on that was obviously purchased from Avon so the MWEs.....
unanimously decided to run for the hills for fear of hurting the poor little undead lady against her will! The gypsy among them however.......
..reached out with her knarled, money grubbing hands and snatched the neclace from her neck. Upon seeing it was only an Avon enamaled pos she...
..Never again crave the touch of another being. Ever. One could almost feel their...
... they took up the ancient art of Kung Fu and became Mystic Wood Ninjas. Newly outfitted with mad ninja skillz and cool uniforms, they...
were detained in the Shaolin Temple they were learning in by a crotchety old monk who refused to let them leave until they had learned discipline by scrubbing every surface of the temple with toothbrushes while balancing on their...
began to smear some unknown substance all over the entire monastary. Upon closer inspection it appeared to be...
A contact-activated laugh poison! Unfortunately, everyone had already assumed it was peanut butter by this time and had made themselves sandwiches. Oh the cruelty of the Monks! The MWEs were helpless, ...
...writhing on the floor of the monastery, laughing uncontrollably. The monks watched the chaos safely from the holes in the roof. Little did they know, the antics of the laughing MWEs had disturbed...
quickly slaughtered the monks using ninjitsu! Unfortunately the use of ninjitsu attracted a ship full of pirates who...