The story...

But a Biata named Tieran who just happened to be...
less overwhelming hatred for gypses and only killed them each once. Shortly after that, Squiggles...
... who was Tieran's sickeningly optimistic alter-ego, took control of the biata and...
stopped breathing, as he realized he could not both think and remember to breathe. Taking advantage of this weakness, Tieran kicked Squiggles back into his particularly doughy body, when suddenly...
...coming down the mountain at a particularly alarming rate were a bunch of Sherpas on panda-mount! There was rage in their eyes as they shouted for Tierans head on a pike! His crime against the Sherpas, of course, being...
the wearing of sweaters made from lambs wool instead of alpaca wool....despite the fact he explained on numerous accounts his allergy to the alpaca's the pandas and sherpas were outraged, they held their pitchforks high as they screamed, "__________