This is the post that never ends (Again)

Now that is scary.
Ah, yes. Ron White stand-up comedy.
no. I meant the thought of you spawning ;-)
as long as its only one day and not like 6.
One day?! <looks at a calendar>
Better hurry up there! Your kids will be graduation high school and you'll be using a walker at this rate. Thank goodness Maria is still young.

she's right.

you are old.
Hey, Maria's not that much younger than I am!

Dude just called his wife old.

You better hope she doesn't read this.
She knows her age. She knows my age. She knows how far apart our birthdays were.
Did they move?
I meant the actual day, month and year of birth.
I was more commenting on the fac tthat you said that she knew how far apart they were, as opposed to how far apart they are.
I used past tense since that actual birthdays are in the past. In the present we celebrate the anniversaries of our birthdays.
Right, but the distance between the two dates (whether actual or not) is still the same.
its not the only time.

When I was younger they had to sand down the top of my head.
ahhh bb guns....i miss that....
My statement is accurate. I didn't imply that the distance between birthdays had changed. I was merely using the past tense to recollect the actual date of birth and not any annual celebration of that date that has occurred since then.