This is the post that never ends (Again)

You'd have to add and addendum to the release forms for the players that you are in no way responsible for the onset of dysentery or worms. :o
if you scare a moose or deer on a skidoo trail the first they do is drop a load....its sorta funny...unless you're going really fast and you get hit in the chest and face with ....pellets.....not that i've ever done that but i've heard horror stories..

as for the bunny guns...i'm all for it....but we'd need to feed them beans to get some explosive components involved only because otherwise they don't go far...prolly just roll out onto the ground.
Bunny Catapults.
shoot the bunnnies???? :::calls her friends at PETA::: did you hear that??????
"Shooting bunnies" is also slang for passing gas :P
That is creepy.

Someone's *** is getting renamed "bunny gun."
i'm so gonna use that tonight...usually we blame it on smurfs that weren't watching where they were going..and if its a really bad one we say we stepped on the smurf marching band.

"poor guys ...never saw it coming"
"they need to learn to watch where they're going!"
Tree frogs. They blame tree frogs here. *nods*
Dennis blames the ducks.
That's just because you are making them wrong.
The bunnies or the fajitas?
this subject has seriously declined in intelligence...hehehehehheheheheh

well if I blame something other than the food causing it...
no no blaming the gas packets on something other than food heheheh we're so off topic i love these categories!