yes stone elves and biatas are immune to cuteness....
my gypsy is not cute in any way though...she just jingles ALOT...I always joke about being a gypsy is more of a .......genie...sorta HEHEHEHEH no granting wishes but playing tricks on peeps
My Romani is walking "awww" moment because she turns even the most dastardly of situations into a "how cute! she learned something new!" Like her run-in with "mosquito scavvies" *shudder*.
Not mosquito scavengers. She had never seen a vampire before, so as they were being explained to her, she got the idea in her mind of walking, talking mosquitoes!
My gypsy is also very jingly as well with her dance belt. The dance belt was suggested to her in game because she used to "get lost" and disappear a lot and her friends wanted a way to keep track of her. It is her "cow bell". When she's gone on sneaky modules her group mates will say "Kheri! Stealth mode!" and I'll take the belt off and place in a special pouch that is carried just for storage.