This is the post that never ends (Again)

The sad part is he's apparently got some kind of mental issue going on now...

Creepy Bunny.
Its a pretty neat movie... I'll give you that.
i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED donnie darko...its one of my favorite movies because i couldn't figure out that the guy was dead before he was dead!! just like in 6th sense....and stuff like that....i love movies that i can't figure out...but the bunny was creepy.
it was like....undead bunny scavenger
are you gradupating this month? hence the new little avvy with a hat?
Except she spelled it correctly in the actual thread.
maybe she meant "graduataing" like ..blang (which is aparently slang for "bling" which is slang for sparkly jewelry) or thang (slang for thing) ...ya know? its the new hip youngsters talk...
Even if that was what you meant... you still spelled it wrong.
You know what, Justin! If you have nothing else to say...I guess you can at least point out our spelling errors...well I'm not fixin' it! :-P
I don't expect you to fix it.

I was just pointing out that you were wrong :-)
he's so good at that....