This is the post that never ends (Again)

meh... don't really need to make you shut up... you'll sleep eventually...

yes well... based on the fact you have not posted in hours... you are probably asleep now... sucker...

true... it is valentines day...

But it isn't even close to being the longest post...
It makes no claim to be the longest post...

I handed out valentines at a valentines party in my AP Biology, got a bunch of valentines day presents from my friends, and tonight I fully intend on attending a little get together with my buddy Sam and some of our buddies later tonight and fully intend on "shaking what my momma gave me"! :D
If this is the sucessor to an old "Post that never ends"... wouldn't that mean that the last one did end, and if trends continue, this one will as well?
No, this is the old Post That Never Ends. Just given a little face lift is all. The Post That Never Ends well........NEVER ENDS!!! And besides, since the ending of the Post That Never Ends is a sign of the apocalypse, will anyone mind letting me know when it's about to happen so I can cash out my stocks and flame retard all of my clothing? I would appreciate it.
yeah... like she said, its not really a successor so much as it is a continuation...

Since you play a gypsy isn't most of your clothing ******** as it is?
that was my point...
Thanks for agreeing! :-)
Oh! I see your point! You mean to say gypsies are the coolest, raddest, bravest, prettyest, most fashionablest race in the world and biata are just a bunch of funky chickens. I see. :P