i had to have two weapons and be able to use them at all times even though tzydl is an artisan alchemist.....she's cool with two weapons. though this weekend i realized NOT GOOD with sword and long hammer...i need two SHORT weapons! yikes that was hard. so i'm gonna have two short swords and save the hammer for single handed combat..
oh....how do i make it so my swords do more than '2' damage? i haven't figured that out yet. do i keep buying the skill and it makes it go up? or what?
I would assume it is actually a critical attack and after 4 critical attacks you can purchase a +1 prof. I would assume (I am not yet familiar with alliance class and build) that it would take approximately 30 build to get a +1 prof. Now that proficency is only for one hand not for both weapons.
He's right. It's SO stupid for an artisan to get weapon profs. An artisan's power will always be in their money.
I'm a level 9 artisan with 15 levels of alchemy, small weapon (her fishing knife), archery, 3 levels of blacksmith, and some low level healing. I PWN people twice my size.
i'm level 6 but i want to buy simple healing magic and waylay and then i guess i'll just buy more alchemy and crafstmanships....I should bulk up on crasftsmanships so i can get some coin! i'm broke!!!! but hubby does have a shweeeet magic item
See all MI's I am use to were maximum of 2 years and that was if you casted a greater extend which ate up alot more components. But all magic Items lasted either One week, one year, or two years. Alas, maybe it is worth saving up to get a MI in alliance.