awww i played NH...then on sunday afternoon some peple left to head down to NJ or PA i can't remember which one to play sunday monday...hardcore i tell ya....working on the weekends bites the big weenie
no my first event was last month but i was stuck in the tavern serving food and drinks. this weekend, the plot people made a place for GYPSIES on a mod and said me and my hubby had to go along with another gypsy it was my first mod!! i was excited...we loosed a mummy on the lands! yay!
so if agypsy dies...there's no one left to remove the curses they made on people :::holds out a pig's tail::: that would be awful if someone had to live with a pig's tail for the rest of their lives....awwww...
You can't kill all the gypsies! We reproduce too quickly! And we can also be sneaky sneaky and kill you from the back. And take all your stuff. All while intoxicated.