This is the post that never ends (Again)

The "potential immense RP value" is minimal at best.

The skill is so restricted as it is, as there are so many ways out of and around it.

It's just silly.

I'll bite.

How so?
I'm not going to give that away here...I'll tell ya later. I will tell you about a merely entertaining one though...

She cursed this barbarian to have to cry so all could hear him everytime he heard the word "love" spoken to him or was shown it's symbol. So people were tormenting the poor fellow, making this warrior cry by making heart-shapes with their fingers and telling him that they loved him so much.
I wish I had been there for that.

My shield is shaped like half a heart. :-)

But again, I don't see that as hugely immersive RP.

But it is entertaining.
Lich cursed to wear polka dots.

Vampire cursed to say "I'm coming every" five steps.

Those are the two memorable ones that I have seen.

What a chump.
I once heard of a barbarian cursed to shout "I AM VARG, I AM LAWLESS, AND I AM UNWORTHY OF YOUR RESPECT!" whenever he thought about doing something dishonorable.

But my gypsy removed it when she was love 9'd to the boy. Then put it back up more recently.
That is awesome.

Was he the one who LP9'd you?
In HQ, Lady Gloriana Gypsy Cursed the Vampire Empress to sprout a pigs snout, and then to "Oink" and "Squeel" after every things she said. True Entertainment. Though RP just really pissed her off. And when she swings 18 Obliterate....its not a good thing when she gets pissed.
tieran said:
That is awesome.

Was he the one who LP9'd you?

Nope it was someone else who wanted me love 9'd to him. I just looked the wrong way when I took my drink and there he stood. The reason she took the curse off his head was that by her familia's doctrine, she can not marry someone with a standing gypsy curse on their head.
this is like the tieran/marcena chat box
Well, other people can chime in if they want.

They just need to bear in mind that they may be mocked, nicknamed (Hi Squiggles!) or ignored.
Well, if I wanted to talk to Justin privately, I would just IM him...but this way, more people can chime in and it could be an awesome discussion about....stuff.
Or just random ranting between the two of us.

Its the voyeur in all of us that just like to sit back and watch.