This is the post that never ends (Again)

hmm... LARP on a cruise ship... frank wiccan'd be ecstatic.
Holy crap. It took me 4 pages to catch up.

I'd LARP on a cruise ship, just make sure there was plenty of Promethazine (anti-sea sick medicine) around for those of us who suffer from motion sickness.
We'd also have to confine the combat to inside only. I can see way too many Man Overboard drills happening cause we all get overzealous and someone pitches over the side.
tieran said:

Remeber that to tell Engler when he asks ;-)

Its a long road from there.

1733 for Knight. I need to make it through Fighter and Squire first.
Yay! Got my sig avatars all in one pic. I figured out how to change the PNG files to JPG, then combined them into one pic in Paint.
Good Joerb!
If you don't know Justin-speak that's your problem.
Then you should be all set by now...
You're hopeless. Justin's power is beyond your comprehension.
That goes for the rest of you too.
I gave up trying a long time ago.
That only further proves your observation.
or 'tater salad.