This is the post that never ends (Again)

Or if they let you hit Alex Trebek in the face with a bat.

Either baseball or rodent.
now THIS i can't wait to see...alex trebek getting hit with a bat....i'm waiting with great anticipation heheheheh
MUSTACHE!! doesn't he have one?? or did he shave it off??? i haven't seen jeopardy for so long i don't even know
Its creepy.
Can't believe he did it too. He derived so much power and authority from that mustache.

The power and authority came from his cue cards.

I suppose.
it was so Magnum PIish
The rich guy was so lame in that show.
the british guy that was the manager of the property??? HIGGINS???...i liked him ...i thought Rick was lame...but i don't like short lounge lizard types with gold chains.
Rick symbolized all that was 80s in that show.
What about Magnum P (like Pee) I (like EYE) {private investigator}