Avaran, I think most of the issues you call out are very difficult to address for this sort of game. Bluntly, this isn't an enterprise that pulls in enough money to have the full-time paid positions necessary to run the top-down bureaucracy required.
We are, at the end of the day, an organization run by mostly volunteers. That means a lot of the weight has to be on the local Owners and their plot teams, and of those only the owners are actually potentially getting paid... and I have yet to meet any of them who will actually admit to running at a profit.

The support you're looking for as HoP needs to be coming from your chapter owner, the person who actually holds the franchise and should be communicating the bylaws and policies to you as a member of their staff responsible for running events.
Props are expensive. Costuming for an NPC camp is expensive. Renting campsites is waaay too damn expensive, in part because we are poor stewards of them all too often. Writing cards, mods, and events is a skill, and one that takes a -lot- of time and effort to develop... and failure is punished by players quitting and taking the game's source of income with them. It is no surprise that chapter ownership turns over when the game is expensive to run and an enormous time sink.
Getting a higher level of support at the national level is only practical if the playerbase is willing to pay more to attend games, and likely a yearly fee to the Alliance as an organization to pay for that level of support.