I agree with Feldor. Make weapons and armor consistent.
A) We have a system in which I can swing a sword 10,000 times and it will not break.
B) We have a system in whicha handful of blows makes my suit of armor useless. But then a blacksmith repairs the entire suit of armor in 60 seconds without using any resources at all. They don't need to carry anything. Not even tools, much less materials to use in the repair.
C) And then... we have a system in which I must track every individual arrow, carefully consider how many arrows will fit in a certain space and purchase more arrows from a blacksmith or get it from treasure (likely in place of other treasure).
Why do we put up with the absurd unrealism of A and B? Because it is not as fun for the majority of people to worry about tracking weapon durability (by strike, or battle, for example). It is not as fun to require that people with the Blacksmith skill carry a set of tools and a pouch of expendable repair materials.
I see that a few people in this thread are asserting that they, personally, find the arrow-tracking mechanism to be more fun, but... that isn't particularly compelling to me. I would love to see a vote where it was either "1 - Resource tracking for melee weapons, ranged weapons and armor!" or "2 - NO resource tracking for melee weapons, ranged weapons or armor."