Who's going to the Low level?

Robb G

no one's pre regged I guess, but I wanted to know who might be showing up at the low level. Dave (khorwyn) and I will be NPCing. might bring another NPC and maybe 2 PCs if they can get thier schedules worked out.

Who's king of NPCs this time around? i wanna know who I have to suck up to!
I plan on playing Mattock
As far as I know I'll be going as Larien and Drew is coming up with a new character, too.
I'll be there bringing out my new Green Skin! PTD bitches!
Sadly, I'll be missing out. I gots undead to stab in the Deadlands. :(
Busting out the Wild Elf Celstial Scholar for this one. Taste my pain! ...too many times playing a biata I think.... LOL
ill be going but i dont know yet wether ill pe PCing Leara, my new alt, or jus NPCing. ill have to wait and see how things go for me, but i know im going this time! yay :D
Leona said:
I'm going. And Amanda needs to PC Leara. Just saying. :D

lol well she might be too high level, or jus barly make it, im not sure yet im still waiting to find out. but even if she was too high i bet ud like my sarr shes gunna be a lot of fun (if i finnish her in time) :? but im glad ur going too
Leara said:
Leona said:
I'm going. And Amanda needs to PC Leara. Just saying. :D

lol well she might be too high level, or jus barly make it, im not sure yet im still waiting to find out. but even if she was too high i bet ud like my sarr shes gunna be a lot of fun (if i finnish her in time) :? but im glad ur going too

Bah. I need my bizarro half. What in the world will I do if you aren't there for everyone to mistake us, like, I don't know... eight thousand times. Haha.

Either way, I'm psyched. I look forward to shooting some nausea arrows at Robb.
One Platypus scavvy will be there. ;)
Behold my unending fury at having a new job, as they scheduled me for that weekend. I have no say because I can't take the days off until the end of my beginner's period.

Damn it all. I was itchin to play SpiderEye again.
One way or another I'm getting my but there. As Wynter, or NPC, I'll be there.
I"ll be there as my Orc! Woot!
I'm sure everyone will be dismayed to learn that the amazingly charismatic, handsome, and battle-hardened Khorwyn Brey will not be in attendance. BUT, as my good man Robb indicated earlier, I will be dark-siding for the first time in two years, and I think it's going to be hella fun. Here's to hoping I can still keep up with the newer, much younger, hardcore NPC's....(immediately dropping and doing push-ups) ;)
