Winter Feast 2009

Sorry for the late RSVP but I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it and have been very busy the past few months. I will be bringing food and instruments. Request for anything that needs to be provided food and music wise can be emailed to me (azureith at hotmail dot com)
Mike, Morgan, and I might very well make an appearance.

I think it's about time I dusted off Cortez. Who Mike or Morgan will come as? Who knows. But we will put an effort in to attend. Kid-friendly events are always an awesome thing! :)

~Kate H
Hey everyone - just wondering if there is a definite on the times yet? I just found out that my husband is taking us to Mexico the next day so I think we have to leave by 6 pm. Is it going to be noon to 7?
WynterRose said:
This would be my first. And I'd have to take the train. Is there a train station near by? And would anyone be willing to grab me from said station and dropp me off again? I'll cough up $ for gas. It's the only way I'd make it. I miss RPing!!!!!!!! And this would be way-cool to go to seeing as I'm still a baby-larp'er

If you can get to Boston, a lot of us will be in Salem area and someone might be able to get you from there. You better come!
hey Ben, I have Sir Wynn's songbook... I accidentally absconded with it. Sorry!

I'll bring it it the feast, or I'll mail it back to you if you want.

I can't believe how many great folks plan to come! You guys have made my month!
Btw--we don't consider any rsvp late until--well--Feb. 2 or so.
So, those of you who don't know yet, we'll keep our fingers crossed that you can still come.
and--surprise arrivals on the day are welcome, too--so long as there are fewer than, say, ten of you.

See you at the feast!

PS--Phedre--thanks for keeping Sir Wynn's dragonbook safe! Maybe we can convince him to offer some special reward.... :-)
hello all . i will be coming to see you all at the feast. it will be vry, my lovely wife, and little old me. I am planing to bring a old family recipt of swedish meatballs, and some kind of yummie dessert. if you all need anything else food wise let me know. cant wait to see you all.
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to Alliance, but I'll be attending the Winter Feast. I was recruited by Albert/Vry, so I'll be the rather confused Elf next to him. I look forward to meeting you all there.
My Bride and I plan on attending.

Pleas be easy on her she is not a larper(I am trying) and can be very shy.

Hello All,

This would be my introduction to larping. I would very much like to attend, but i am still a little fuzzy as to what the event is. I have a copy of the rule book from 2005. I do not have a costume yet, but that can be taken care of.

Any other info would be greatly appreciated.


IG - ???

OOG - John
Basically, it's a big IG feast where we hang out, eat, dance, and generally have all the roleplay aspects of the LARP without the combat.
skeemodog said:
Hello All,

This would be my introduction to larping. I would very much like to attend, but i am still a little fuzzy as to what the event is. I have a copy of the rule book from 2005. I do not have a costume yet, but that can be taken care of.

Any other info would be greatly appreciated.


IG - ???

OOG - John

You're definitly going to want to get a costume together and a character concept. You can use your old rulebook for ideas on those. Other than that, It is mostly just a fun get together that happens to be IG. So no weapons, no spells, etc. You'll basically just be roleplaying as your character in an environment where everyone else is doing the same.

It will give you a good idea of the awesome people you may well be playing with should you attend an actual event, say the opener in April? ;)

If you have any further questions, feel free to email me. My address is below.


Barring a large snow event I will be there. Not sure what I'm bringing as for food...

Carrie may be attending, not sure yet.

See you all in a few weeks.

So far as I know, Jesse and I will be there as Anion and Fuzzy.
there will be a little 'splanen to do as to why Fuzzy is so fat, but FOIG!!!