I have been corrected. A plot committee can require that you alter your character before visiting their chapter if they consider the choices you made unreasonable. Still, until this actually happens to someone, it is entirely theoretical. Plot teams can do lots of unreasonable things legitimately, but we trust them not to.
As the Head of Plot in OR, I have asked a player to alter their chosen racial. Once. It isn't just a theory. To their credit, that player was amazingly gracious about it and rolled with it (much appreciated), so good on them.
No, I won't give details, pretty sure doing so would give that person's identity away, which I have zero intention of doing.
As for Dodge and Resist Magic? *shrug* Not a big deal, imho. They are limited to one purchase of each, and Magic Items are a far, far, far, far, far, far, far greater problem with balance/power than Racial abilities.
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