I honestly go back and forth on extinct animals. I want (SO BAD) to make a stegosaur-kin, but I can't justify how to roleplay it because we have no idea what it's actual behaviors were. That's saying nothing of the headache I would be giving my local plot team by forcing them to integrate something into the world that the PCs have never encountered and NPCs have never referenced. (It could be as simple as "there are weird lizardmen living in this swamp way out on the map," but at the end of the day I'd rather build something using the world as it exists so I can immerse myself rather than play something bonkers and have to have the other players deal with my weirdo.
Once upon a time I really wanted to a carnotaurus-kin and I got rejected all the way around. Which brings me to my next point. Let's say you were approved for your Dino in one chapter, you are now not allowed to travel to another chapter unless your kin is approved there. Which is completely wrong. And same goes for racials. Which is believe is wrong. This is why I believe a revamp is needed, we need a rule/guidelines that is universal about EVERYTHING with wylderkin so we don't run into these issues. I do believe if someone can play a saber tooth tiger sarr, an extinct animal kin, or the such. Dinosaur should be approved as well. But sadly it's not and Im confused why this is swept under the rug.