You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when...

People in glass houses should not turn the light on when they go to the bathroom
off topic: did you guys see the portolet somewhere in a city that is one way glass? mirrored on teh outside but if you're in it you can see everything around you??? i don't think i could go...

also in europe this couple lived in a glass everyone saw them do whatever they did...
For which one?
I meant living in the house vs. using the one way mirrored portajohn.

Am I glad our Bathroom has no Windows!
*bump* Back on topic with a recent story.

As most of you know, I just graduated from High School. I arrived a bit too early and had an hour to kill so I decided to break a little rule and hang out in my old first hour class that I wasn't supposed to go to because I'm out of school.

You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when you put your hand on your head to signify that you are not actually there!
That is hilarious.
You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when... you quit your job because they don't give you the weekend off for an event.

Morai said:
You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when... you quit your job because they don't give you the weekend off for an event.


whoa that is definately hard core!

Or if on the same note you only CONSIDER jobs for the summer that will let you out early on Fridays and give you the weekends fully off. ;)
Everyone is in a position to be that picky.
This really happened:...........when someone at the office tripped on a computer/printer cord and fell and you yell real loud, "HOLD!" ....... and everyone looks at you weird.
I would have just laughed.
When driving to work you hear AllStar by Smashmouth and all you can think is "Hey now, you're a lord knight. You're on White Sword. At least you're not dead!" (and yeah, Joe wins with quitting work for nh).
ROFL I remember that one Jen, and yes that's what I think of when I hear that song too.

... when you move to a bigger place because all your larping gear no longer fits in your bitty apartment.
That song kicks ***.

Poor Alexander.