You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when...

when you're at your bro's graduation and you peg him with a packet that was in your purse as he walks in because he didn't see you. (the best part is he then yelled reflect, they grow up so fast)
When you're at a Bar Mitzvah and you gather a huge pile of throwing candy - it comes time to chuck it at the innocent 13 year-old kid, and you start saying "magic storm," then realize you're mistake and change it to "mazel tov."
Ren Suzume said:
When you're at a Bar Mitzvah and you gather a huge pile of throwing candy - it comes time to chuck it at the innocent 13 year-old kid, and you start saying "magic storm," then realize you're mistake and change it to "mazel tov."

:lol: ROFLMAO :lol:
I so badly want to peg a packet at someone now and yell MOZELTOV! pleeeez can I huh? huh? huh? ::just giggles herself into tears::: too funny
When we finally ritually burn Amelia/Ren's Page headband (which expired in February. Yay!) I think we may have to do that. ;)
Page rules vary widely and are chapter dependant. As far as I know, Seattle and Oregon have the most liberal policy.
NJ age for combat is 15, below that is Page. And, yes, the age is 16 in HQ.
massachusetts has a chapter????
You NPC'ed it.... its is called Alliance CT as we are planning on moving the chapter to CT as soon as a camp can be located and arrangements made. Our goal is for the beginning of next season.
OHHHHHHHHH right okay so its IN massachusetts....right right...I just thought HEY ANOTHER chapter that might be closer. ...:;sniffle:: I miss caldaria....

right so back on topic.....

you know you've been doing alliance a bunch when....

when everyone you meet you call by their character name becuase you have a hard enough time remembering ONE name much less TWO
Hammerfist said:
You NPC'ed it.... its is called Alliance CT as we are planning on moving the chapter to CT as soon as a camp can be located and arrangements made. Our goal is for the beginning of next season.

Go CT......the best of both worlds, a chapter close to NYC and near the largest casino in the world....
in the world?? hmmm....i find that hard to believe but i'm a west coast girl originally.. heheheh
In the vein of Tzydl's name recognition

You know you've been doing alliance a bunch when....

You actually answer to your IG name OOG and don't even think to correct them.
Marcena said:
In the vein of Tzydl's name recognition

You know you've been doing alliance a bunch when....

You actually answer to your IG name OOG and don't even think to correct them.

when you sign a check with your IG name
TOO FUNNY!!!! signing the check!! OMG!
Especially when your dad asks who you're driving up north with and all you can answer is their IG names and your dad cocks his brow and says "Are they foreign or something?"
  • When your in the grocery store self checkout and you find yourself getting miffed at receiving pennies in your change and blurting "Aw crud! More copper pieces..." and having your wife agree with your sentiments. (and understand them too!)
  • After explaining a solution to a computer issue completely in LARPing terms (but in English) to a friend at the office and having the nearby co-workers screw up their faces in confusion and remark that "computer people really do have their own language".
  • Attending a Society for Creative Anachronism cooking event and upon hearing someone criticize your wifes cooking you get *awfully* tempted to throw a spell packet at them...