You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when...

you know you've been posting alliance too much when you avatar yourself OOG...
::eyes marcena::

::eyes telokh:::
or have too many characters to avatar so you run out of room...hmmm?
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
you know you've been posting alliance too much when you avatar yourself OOG...
::eyes marcena::


What was that about people in glass houses not throwing stones? :D
heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
When your wife telly you she is pregnent and you run to the computer to get a membership and start blanketing the child.

when you wife asks you what your doing you tell her and she says "I already did it"

When you start a savings account for your kids "larp Fund"
in 14 years i feel there will be ALOT of level 40 newbs...:(
We're already in the second generation of Alliance, aren't we? Some of the originals that I met are technically old enough to be my papa.
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
in 14 years i feel there will be ALOT of level 40 newbs...:(

if you had seen how Eric drills his kids on spells and rules I think they will be marshals before they are in high school!

you know youve been doing...
When you pay your kids allowance in Silver
when they complain that the other kids get Gold
Marcena said:
We're already in the second generation of Alliance, aren't we? Some of the originals that I met are technically old enough to be my papa.

UG I feel more old now

you watch Narnia and think you cant hit people with your shield thats illegial
you cant grab his sword that illegial!

and other marshal like calls durring the movie

does that mean you just went to see it??????
yup I did

and all I can say without spoiling it is...
even the trees walked!

well yes i know the trees are alive....ugh! i'm so jealous!!!!
Marcena said:
What was that about people in glass houses not throwing stones? :D

People in stone houses shouldn't throw glass!!
Not really. The glass breaks into little pieces when it hits the stone. Then it's easier to miss a piece and you wind up cutting yourself. :(
Been doing Alliance a bunch when... there's more LARPing gear/clothing in your closet than "real" clothes.

You debate leaving behind your computer to bring more LARP gear with to college.