You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when...

Neither is needing a Life Spell.
You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when you think of your cat dying as "ten percent-ing" (9 lives, remember) :(
You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when you cast a Ward on your own room and re-cast it every 5th day. Not to mention getting upset when people don't wait for you to recognize them in...
you are a guy your in the supermarket you see a mag about summer makup tips and think wow I should get that they might have advice on how to keep my makup from running in the heat!
This may have already been said but I have just been feeling it really strongly since the last event I attended.

When you are having normal conversation and you feel like you are sort of cheating a little bit not to say "OOG..." before you speak.
Cleaning out my room for college; I dump all change I find in a jar to be cashed at the bank. Along with my change, I receive about 10 silver and 2 copper, along with some yen and euros that had I hadn't noticed in my drawers.
No comment on keeping coin in your drawers.

Well, no further comment then.

You know you've been doing Alliance too much when you refer to several major cities as "Tanyern", "Andar", "Wayside", or "Horn's End".
When you're filling out an aplication that asks for race and in the "Other" box, you seriously consider writing "Stone Elf" or "Gypsy" or another IG race. :)
Marcena said:

You know you've been doing Alliance too much when you refer to several major cities as "Tanyern", "Andar", "Wayside", or "Horn's End".

I'm sorry, but Traverse City (Horn's End) and "major city" shouldn't be in the same sentence. :p
Marcena said:
Traverse City is a major city here! :p

Well, look at what you have to compare it to... the middle of nowhere. :)

TC has what, 15,000 people? I'm in a SUBURB of Chicago that has over 10x the population!
So, I was playing SimCity 4 yesterday just for the fun of it... Sorry, the numbers reminded me of that.

You know you've been playing Alliance a bunch when you often make jokes with spell packets.
"I call upon Chaos to cause Economic Depression!"
"Already under effect."
"How long's that last?"
"A few years..."
I wonder if a purify would help that one.
haha! Or when you're at a friends birthday party and upon seeing the birthday girl you call "I grant you the gift of-" before handing off their present. :)