You know you've been doing Alliance a bunch when...

Sorry Joy I'll send you a box of death chocolates real soon.
When taking care of your six year old sister, you convince her that feeding the birds usually envolves putting the birdseed in little squares of fabric, tying it with a rubber band, and tossing the packets at people.
LOL- Thats amazing..

accidentally answering your work phone with your Scavies heavily accented Dog/Wolf Voice.... that was nice.
Calling "blown" halfway through a sales pitch you messed up.

Yeah. That was a bad day.
youthculture said:
Calling "blown" halfway through a sales pitch you messed up.

Yeah. That was a bad day.

Worse! When you're watching your friend get up the guts to talk to someone she's been crushing on for months and screws up the first thing she says to the guy and punctuates it by calling "blown"!
You get up in the morning and start frantically searching for lost prosthetics. That one's just weird all over. :lol:
when you are cleaning up the house and you decide to move your weapons to another room you never just carry them there, you are now IG and prepaired for the monster you are sure is going to pop out of the bathroom as you go by down the hall.
when you live with a bunch of said aliance players and therefore the monster does jump out of the bathroom.
AllianceCHI said:
when you live with a bunch of said aliance players and therefore the monster does jump out of the bathroom.

Hey, I'm not a monster! Do I need to start wearing a white headband around?
Yes! I do all day at work... now the fact that I use it to keep the hair out of my face is the excuse I tell my co-workers but the rest of you really know why I do... ;)
When after-game is called, you and someone you want to keep RPing with IG put your hand on your head to signify that you are IG!