Search results

  1. S

    The Mystic Wood Elves

    What has happened here is a tragedy, an unrecoverable loss for Laerthan. For better or for worse, the Fae were a part of our realm of experiences, adding to its wonder, enriching our lives. They were the stuff of stories, fantasies (and yes, nightmares) brought to life, so rare and incredible...
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    To the Defenders of our Bastions:

    To the Defenders of our Bastions: I write to alert you all to a new danger in the fight against the Withering. It has come to our attention that someone is twisting the dwarven craft of ghost metal smithing, creating spirit-laden weapons tainted with necromancy. At least one of these weapons...
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    Groupon For RI Costume

    Hi all! I just thought I'd spread the word - today's RI groupon is for RI Costume in Warwick, RI. They have woochie ears. The deal is $15 for a $35 gift certiicate. The large woochie ears there go for $12.
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    merchant tents for August event

    I have a canopy! We're coming up to the event late, but depending on how full peoples' cars are, I may be able to find someone willing to cart it up for you guys. I'll find out. Kelly!
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    Dearest citizens of the Hollow

    It warms my heart that so many are willing to provide a helping hand. I thank all who have contacted me publicly and privately, and of course I won’t cease to welcome friends who wish to visit and help protect my modest home. Squire Kainen, as to your question, I must insist my guests not...
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    Winter Feast what are you bringing

    As long as I can get my aunt's recipe, I'll bring a zucchini casserole/quiche... concoction. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's yummy, and I believe it's meatless (yet eggful). <3 Kelly
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    Your pictures are wonderful! Thank you much :D
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    Call out for NPCs

    Hey guys, If there is anyone who is planning on NPCing in July, could you leave a post here? We have some roles we want to setup ahead of time. Thanks, Kelly
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    Hi all, Doug and Kelly are pre-registered, as of tonight :)
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    Who's Coming To The October Event?

    Sudupta will be there!
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    You too can cut your logistics time in half! Click me!

    *bump* I will LOVE anybody who pre-logsists for this event, especially if you're a caster or carry a huge cache of magic items. I'll make your life easier during logistics, promise!
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    Character History?

    And me, if you get a chance.
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    You too can cut your logistics time in half! Click me!

    *bump* You can still pre-logist today :) A few minutes to shoot me an email now can save a lot of time tomorrow. See you all Friday, Kelly
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    You too can cut your logistics time in half! Click me!

    *Bump* I'm giving out hugs (or handshakes, if you don't want Kelly-cooties) to anyone who pre-logists for the September event. It's the same drill as last time, and remember, we can pull tags for Saturday as well as Friday. In fact, I really want to make your logistics easier by pulling your...
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    You too can cut your logistics time in half! Click me!

    "So," you ask. "Just how can I get my *** out of the logistics line and into game faster?" The answer is quick, easy, and will get you right back into the NERO mindset. It's called pre-logisting. It's a six step process: 1) Take a look at your character card 2) Get to a computer and start a...
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    To The Aid Of Stoneroost

    I've never met this fellow, only ever heard stories - tall ones from years ago, when a good chunk of the undead stayed north of the River of Tears. But I'll back him up. There's plenty of folk floating around that are bona fide dead-dead, not just undead. Most of them don't write, don't even...
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    PRE-REG DEADLINE Sunday April 13th Midnight

    Hey guys, I have three pre-logist requests so far. If you'd like to pre-logist, please shoot me an email ASAP so Doug and I can get you all squared away. Thanks! Kelly
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    Both Doug and I are on the hunt for good LARPing boots at the best price possible. It seems pretty tough to find nice looking boots that will also stay dry and comfortable. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance! Kelly
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    Funniest / Most Ironic Moments

    There have been so many funny moments, I have trouble remembering specific ones, but here's a few... Most-quotable NPC moment, Funny: I bet lots of people remember this one. The PCs have Yuled(sp?) cornered inside Caseighopeus' building and are ruthlessly antagonizing him. There's nothing...