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    Pixar Bender

    Do you often eat small children?
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    Happy Birthday

    cant beat that...
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    To much love for one man.

    i'd rather it just say: wanted dead but thats just my opinion
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    How far will your character go?

    you know he could...
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    NERO Haiku

    incredible is taran completely unmatched in alchemy lore do not cross taran for you are no match for him take heed in warnings taran self-centered? no that could not be for he is invincible a final haiku for now that is dont forget almighty taran
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    NERO Haiku

    taran is awsome killed the streaga and dragon all by his lonsome
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    NERO Haiku

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 7 is to long
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    Even More Pictures!!

    i agree with becca and jeff! the pictures were great! but damien... *shudder* ...dreadful
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    Man this computer is getting wierd.

    i see.....
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    the new, new rule book

    anybody know when the addendum is comming out?
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    Man this computer is getting wierd.

    what the hell is that supposed to mean????
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    Man this computer is getting wierd.

    that wasnt a whatever as in i dont get it, it was a watever as in im secretly laughing to my self.
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    Man this computer is getting wierd.

    whatever... :wtf2:
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    To the uber rogues

    :hahaha: oh, i'll get those right back to you... *ahem* :whistle2:
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    Favorite Moments

    "kauss is secretly a bucket maker" almoast splitting my head open on a fire extinguisher while remus and the strega fought over my weave *ouch* (IG & OOG) the strega almost convincing me to join her side... some awsome AWSOME roleplaying after hearing the screams of my grandparents...
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    Possible Feast

    quick suggestion: i think that anyone bringing food may want to include a list of ingretients, because as i recall last time we had a feast, i brought fruit and nut salad, and one person said "woah! im sure glad i didn't have any of that! im allergic to tuna!" :( another person said "gee...
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    Quasimodo died

    what did one talking sausage say to the other? -------------------------------) "oh my gosh! a talking sausage!!!
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    The power of Llama compells you!

    Do oranges get racial slays?
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    Best/Fave Moments of November 04 Event (two threads merged)

    i cleaned it last event, and i NPCed... oh, and JP, its not JP-ish, its J-Pish, whatever the hell that means...
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    never mind, this site has a couple more songs sorry