April 23rd-25th Convoy to Wayside (Chicago)

I think that if I were able to go, I'd need a ride from the cities. I'd be more than willing to NPC though.
I would be interested. Would need to car pool with someone. More than willing to kick in on gas and buy ya a meal. Also I would rather NPC myself. I have no experience with such a high level game.
haha well if you want to PC don't let the APL of the game be a factor at all....I started in Chicago as a level 1 character...and I had a great time :)

Looks like we could have a pretty big caravan heading down for this event...this could be interesting lol. You folks up in the Duluth/northern MN area should probably see if you can just daisy chain closer to the cities off of each other so that you don't all drive down separate. But that can all be thought of as soon as we figure out who is all going :) A big list is going to be fun to send to ChiTown for prereg lol.

No it isn't.

But it will be awesome to have you all.
Haha :D You know the extra hour or two of work with be fun! Just stay positive lol!
So here are the current numbers as I see/understand them.

Car 1 - The Paige Mobile (4 People of a possible ????(please say at least 4, I don't want David to ride on the hood)) (Leaves....?)
1.) Paige
2.) Sam
3.) David T
4.) Sarah

Car 2 - The Dave G Mobile (4 People, medium room for gear) (Leaves, by noon, possibly 11:30 am), Will beat the McGregor Mobile!
1.) David G
2.) Adam C
3.) Alexander T
4.) ??????

Car 3 - The Satsuki Mobile (max passangers - 4) (Leaves....?)
1.) Crystal
2.) Brent (The theory is he knows the way....right?)
3.) Andrew C.
4.) Andrew W.

Car 4 - McGregor Mobile - Leaves by Noon

1.) Ryan B.
2.) ?????
3.) ?????
4.) ?????
Unassigned to Cars as of yet, But coming

Interested but unconfirmed
2.)Brandon M.

Total 'confirmed' - 12, Total Interested/possible - 15

If you would like to confirm yourself to a car, simply post and we'll fill them up, I'm happy to take anyone able to head down mid-day Friday (leaving no later then noon ideally at 11 am) I can host in my spare room some folks if needed. Please note you won't be confirmed to a car until you confirm that you can come, so make sure to get those days off approved!
Whoot! :D ,

IT is awesome that you guys are going to make the drive down to see us. The more the merrier, and I hope to see you all soon. If you guys need anything just ask.

I am able to go(!), as long as I can get a ride from someone my family would deem a responsible driver.

Alongside who is actually getting me there, this question remains: Do you guys reckon I should I NPC or PC? (and if I PC, how could I use my gobbies [which I should have several of since I relayed to Paige what I should have gobbies for] to blanket myself a little more experience before going?)
I'm driving a pretty average car so I'd say 4 people should fit in a normal way. I'll have the trunk empty of course. Possible problem though- dunno if I can leave at noon. I'm gonna try and swing it so I can. Worst case scenario, it'll be a little later but we WILL get there. Also, I have a open couch and floor space if anyone needs to come down early.
there is nothing saying that we all have to leave at noon, I leave around then when possible because I can, and I like to prod Paul before game 'can we play yet?, can we play yet? can we play yet?' and to step up my tent (they have Cabins but because I bed early when my sugar is high Its best to have a tent to hide in to avoid bothering folks.
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
I am able to go(!), as long as I can get a ride from someone my family would deem a responsible driver.

Alongside who is actually getting me there, this question remains: Do you guys reckon I should I NPC or PC? (and if I PC, how could I use my gobbies [which I should have several of since I relayed to Paige what I should have gobbies for] to blanket myself a little more experience before going?)

I can add you to my car if a Noon sharp (with slightly earlier drop off between 11-noon) works for you? I'm responsible...ish and my car is an elite almalgamate of heavy steel and pure win. (its a crown vic)

As to spending goblins, all such requests goto Logistics@mnalliance.com, just shoot off an e-mail saying I would like to blanket the game on XXX or I would like to purchase a monthly goblin blanket etc.
It would be great to get a ride from you, and I'm almost positive I can be ready at that time. I'll have to confirm that, though.

And once again, you reckon I should PC or NPC? As you say, we don't want to overload Chicago with our PCs, and I don't have a problem with NPCing, but I'd rather PC.

As for gobbies, can I buy monthly blankets for months past? If so, how far back can I blanket? (Can I do it into last year's months, or only back to January of this year?)
Ultimately you should do what you want, and Paul will make it happen ^.^
Well then, it looks like you'll be giving a PC a ride.

And what about previous month blankets?
You may blanket up to 3 months back at any time for either month or events, cars updated.

This also puts us now at one confirmed above capacity, time to find another pair of wheels! (I can technically fit 5, but thats not happening on a 7 hour drive ^.^
Well Alex I will tell you this, PC if you want, its great fun! Or NPC, if you would like, its still a ton of fun, and Chicago is usually very appreciative to their NPCs :)...you could even go there without deciding and kinda just decide when you get there. :)

Goblins can be spent to blanket months, games, items (craftables), and purchase back deaths on your card.

-Brent (i am stoked that you are going...i need you gandola!)
That's Alexander to you, Brent (and everyone else, for that matter). ;) But regardless of whether you are speaking to me or someone with a name that for some reason people think is mine, I'm going to PC. I'm just looking forward to interacting as Gandian with the Waysiders too much to NPC. That being the case, and now that I know how much I can blanket, it looks like I'm going to monthly blanket some experience from December forward and blanket the April event that I'll miss (if my gobbies are updated, that is. I'ma contact logistics and see if that's true).
hehehe i knew that would get to you
I'd like to go, however due to recent car issues I'm afraid I'd need to try and fill one of someone's car spots!
Hey guys,

I'm looking forward to having all of you come on down!

Just a few things to remember:

1. Remember to prereg! Even if you're coming to NPC, please drop us a line, so we know you're coming. NPCing in Chicago is FREE, but you do need to bring a few bucks to cover your tavern tab (or bring your own food). waysidelogistics@gmail.com is where you want to send that email. Don't forget to make sure that Dave knows to send your card, if needed. If you have questions, email us! Oh - and LCO items DO TRAVEL to Chicago!

2. APL: For those who asked - the APL at our last three events:
Sept 09 (weekend): 15.36
Oct 09 (weekend): 15.39
Nov 09 (day faire): 13.68
If you are under the APL, do not fret. The highly trained plot team (which does include your National Plot Chairperson, Paul Foisy) is well versed in making sure that everyone gets entertained, whether you love to swing pipe, cast rituals, or relax with NPCs and chat over a drink at the tavern.

3. Be prepared to have fun! This season opener is going to be the best yet!

I look forward to seeing you all there!

Robert Sachs
GM, Alliance LARP Chicago