April 23rd-25th Convoy to Wayside (Chicago)

I definitely want to go. I'll try to find out more and what not at the next event. -Dawson
Just a note guys... Preregistration is now open! Check the Chicago
boards for details, and how you can earn easy goblin stamps!
List updated, everyone who has confirmed has been assigned a ride.
Dave, please don't worry about Paige, Sam, Sarah and I. We can coordinate just fine...
Dreamingfurther said:
Dave, please don't worry about Paige, Sam, Sarah and I. We can coordinate just fine...

Lol I just tossed you all in the same car so it would look like its my fault yer coming to Chicago :-p
I think its just so we can look like a well put together caravan...and not like its 4 cars chasing after you guys :D ...which is more accurate lol!

I am stoked for my car! Mainly because I am the newbie marshal....WITH SOME NEWER PLAYERS...this will be great! Not to mention the fact that I am (hopefully) the only one who has been playing long enough to have a huge stash of useless crap that I haul to events!!!

its true, Paige, Sam, Sarah and I AND all our gear is not going to leave much room for more than like 5 wiggles the entire length of the trip... :|
Dreamingfurther said:
its true, Paige, Sam, Sarah and I AND all our gear is not going to leave much room for more than like 5 wiggles the entire length of the trip... :|

Use them wisely. For each wiggle over 5 you lose two on the return trip.

Let it be known that, yes, I will be bringing McGregor to Chicago for the opener.

I will be driving myself from Woodbury and returning to Woodbury. I will be taking the day off on Friday so I plan to be leaving around noon-ish.

Woot, I know McGregor is a man that is willing to pay for fine services too!

So here are the current numbers as I see/understand them.

Car 1 - The Paige Mobile (4 People of a possible ????(please say at least 4, I don't want David to ride on the hood)) (Leaves....?)
1.) Paige
2.) Sam
3.) David T
4.) Sarah

Car 2 - The Dave G Mobile (4 People, medium room for gear) (Leaves, by noon, possibly 11:30 am), Will beat the McGregor Mobile!
1.) David G
2.) Adam C
3.) ??????
4.) ??????

Car 3 - The Satsuki Mobile (max passangers - 4) (Leaves....?)
1.) Crystal
2.) Brent (The theory is he knows the way....right?)
3.) Andrew C.
4.) Andrew W.

Car 4 - McGregor Mobile - Leaves by Noon

1.) Ryan B.
2.) Alexander T

Unassigned to Cars as of yet, But coming

1.)Jenn Sireno

Interested but unconfirmed
2.)Brandon M.

Total 'confirmed' - 12, Total Interested/possible - 15

If you would like to confirm yourself to a car, simply post and we'll fill them up, I'm happy to take anyone able to head down mid-day Friday (leaving no later then noon ideally at 11 am) I can host in my spare room some folks if needed. Please note you won't be confirmed to a car until you confirm that you can come, so make sure to get those days off approved!
Dr_Chill said:

Let it be known that, yes, I will be bringing McGregor to Chicago for the opener.

I will be driving myself from Woodbury and returning to Woodbury. I will be taking the day off on Friday so I plan to be leaving around noon-ish.


Seriously Ryan, your not going to take the opportunity for there to actually BE a bunch of Dark Elves and play your dark elf? :( Darn...

And we get plot in Chicago to...
Dr_Chill said:
I will be driving myself from Woodbury and returning to Woodbury.
Hmm... it would make more sense for me to go with you than with Dave, considering I live in Woodbury as well.
Shoot me a message and let me know what your plans are and how much gear you will be bringing.

I can go1 I'm so excited! I already have Friday off, so I can leave whatever time someone wants too...Ryan, looks like you have room. Mind if I ride with you?

Stephen and I are about 95% sure we're going, but we'll be heading out late (4-6pm) because I have to work. If anyone else has time restraints and would like a lift with us give me a PM.
We should narrow my car availability down to me +1, as with all the tavern gear I really can only accommodate one additional person and gear. Given that Alex has already taken my slot (and he lives in Woodbury), can someone else take Jen in their car?

let it be know that the "rolling terror" will be departing for the Chi Town experience early in the morning that we might facilitate a run to the eatery know as Portells. anyone interested in same there is room available for you. I can take 1-2 more people with me for this adventure.

Benifits of riding in the "rolling terror"
1. my plesant company
2. a stop at the best freaking place to get a sammich in all of chicago
3. smoking vehicle
4. early arrival (to make all of your friends sad, or to set all of your fancy traps)
5. low fuel costs
6. ipod compatibility and an aftermarket stereo (warning I will not be playing the rap on the way down, feel free to bring whatever else though)
7. on board gps to locate your favorite stops
8. It's not Burkeys car

Friendly Alliance guy,
can't go. have a previous date i wasn't aware conflicted until just recently. sorry about that. -dawson
Aw Chris, your ride sounded great until #3. I just can't do that. Sigh.

DG, I'd love to ride with you. The only problem is getting down to your area...