In the tavern

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Rohnan opens the door to the tavern and looks behind her for a moment before shaking her head and closing it behind her. She walked over to the bar and ordered two drinks and headed over to the table in the back where people were staring to gather. “Hey,” she says as she sits down and give a grin to her friends. She places one drink in front of her and one in the empty seat next to her “Calan should be joining soon” she explained.

She looked at the newcomer trying to remember if she was supposed to know her or not. After not being able to place her she introduced herself “Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Rohnan.”
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"Oh good, he's taking a break from the research. You can lose time quickly in a library, its always so quiet I forget the world is still moving around me."
"Well it's nice to meet you Romilda. I'm Cato. You may regret coming to the Lux as we are dealing with a lot of crap....... Hello Rohnan it's good to see you. How's the research?"
Rohnan knodded at what Cato said, “It’s true, you might regret your decision to join the earth weavers ratter quickly” she took a long drink.

To Jinn she said, “A mini break before he gets back to it here. I’ve noticed that some of my dark reaches notes are lacking so I’m going to try and see what I can figure out in the missing parts. Not as exciting as the time travelling town but also less likely to give me a permanent headache. We’ll probably head to Calanhelm at some point to raid the sanctum library there.”
Soaked to his core Calan enters the tavern and hangs his cloak in the entryway. Running his fingers through his hair he peeks from the boot room into the rest of the tavern and spots his friends off at a table. He stops at the bar to place and order for something warm and strong. Before walking over to greet his friends.
“hello, it’s a bit moist outside I’m not much of a fan. How is everyone.”
His eyes fall on Romilda and a flicker of recognition passes within him. This feeling grows stronger as he recognizes the symbol on her garb. All colour drains from his face. He looks to the ground not making eye contact with the stranger.
Jinn greets Calan as he enters the tavern, noticing the change in demeanour after Calan takes a seat. He doesn't say anything about it, just drinks from his tankard
“You know, bout the same as last we saw one another. How are you making out?”
Watching Rohnan walk towards the table Romildas smile turns bigger, only to fall at her words. She stares for a moment tilting her head.

"I know its been while like.... I dont know, what year is it now? Maybe like 20 years or so but that hurts..."

Reaching down to her pack romilda starts rifling through. Placing a book and two boxes on the table before finding the folded piece of paper she was looking for.

"... well at least I can mark one thing off my task list, this is for you"

She hands a letter to Rohnan.
Watching Romilda's expression change at Rohnan's greeting, Jinn lets out a quiet 'Hmm..." as his right hand slowly moves to the hilt of his sword absentmindedly, resting on the pommel.
Rohnan blinked several times as she processed what this Romilda said “20 years?” She asked, “Wait! Y-you know me?” Rohnan looked between Calan and Jinn looking slightly panicked and confused.
Jinn leans forward.

"Well... it appears that our new friend may have some explaining to do. So you say you know Rohnan, and given his sudden silence it appears you know Calan as well, or he knows you at least. I suggest you fill everyone in on who exactly you are..."
Holding out the letter and wiggling it a bit.

"yeah, pretty sure your the same blue horned Rosy I worked with for 50 odd years."

Grabbing her mug with her other hand she takes a quick drink while eyeing Jinns hand.

"If you don't remember me tell me you at least remember Nina, or else I've wasted two months carrying it around. As for the gloomy looking one...."

She squints at the newest Terri-nor to sit down, face scrunching in concentration.

"....mmmmmhm... Nope not a clue"
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Her eyes now moving up to Jinns face,

"however since you seem so inclined to be interested, what would you like to know?"
Calan looks to the crest then looks back to the bar. Drumming his fingers on the table. As his drink arrives he passes over a silver and then takes a large gulp watching those around the table.
Rohnan looked as if she was about to say something but instead lifted the mug infront of her and downed it in one. She opened her mouth to speak again and seemed to think better about it and also drank the drink that she had bought for Calan when she first arrived.

Once she was finished she rubbed her face. “Mkay, I don’t know who you are or who Nina or this Rosy is. I got a bunch of people up here” she tapped the side of her head with a finger, “ but ‘Rosy’ isn’t one of them. Full disclosure though I’ve been having some memory issues though so if you wanna back up a bit and maybe explain a bit. I’ve been known to have a bit of a temper lately.” There was a slight edge to her tone implying a slightly threatening nature to her words.
Kai watches the back and forth with interest. Still listening, she goes to the bar to refill her drink, and then returns to her seat.
"... hmmm no, no, that temper has always been there."

Looking up in thought, elbow now resting on the table and using the folded paper for emphasis.

"as for Rosy I hope you know her as Rosy is a nickname that I used for you to purposefully set off that temper, so good to see that still works."

Getting a little more serious and leaning forward now, She turns back to Jinn.

" And there is no need for that, I'm more likely to hurt myself before I can even think of doing any sort of damage to you or the people around us. and in terms of Nina, I should probably ask how bad that memory problem is. Because that is fairly impressive if you cant remember someone named Nina."
Jinn looks at Calan, at Rohnan, and then back at Calan. With his free hand he strokes his chin for a moment before speaking.

"Well... these two traveled a few months back, and when they returned they had forgotten pretty much everything. Given the danger of this place, someone strolling into the tavern claiming to know Rohnan, who can not prove it to be true or false, is a little suspect. However..." Jinn looks over to Calan. "It appers that he knows something about you, and that symbol you have on your person. But him not saying anything made me not want to mention it... but alas, here we are. So it may lend some credence to your claims, but when our enemies can enslave someone with just a look, one can never be to cautious."
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