Knock Knock... Who's there?

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haha... they can't kill me. That's just silly.

For whom?

-Sun-Li Yin
Sun-Li Yin,

Ask Atrox zhat she does vhen she zings zhe nursery rhymes. I doubt you like vhat you hear.

To all zhe ozhers,

Too many ztatments... not enough quvestions. Maybe you vont figure it out after all...


You talk like you know something but you not say it. You seem to want the same as Spirin. He show me things about you and about why you all need to be put to rest.


What you say is right that they are Dissonance shattered but I see them as more of a threat now than ever. You gotta remember that they are ALL Dissonance. Different aspects of him broken into many pieces. Some of them may seem less bad than the rest but I see some of them as far worse than Dissonance as a whole. They at least balanced each other out when he was whole. The worse ones cannot be destroyed alone. They all must go.

The only thing that don't make sense to me about the balance is there is too many... or not enough of them for balance.

Okay Leovet, Pointa wants to know.

What do you want out of your new form that you all have acquired? All of you please answer if you so willing or are you to scared?

By the way.... What is Mr. Red dude's name. Tiny?


What did Spirin show you about them and why they need to be put to rest?

Certainly they must all be destroyed, but as you say, They are ALL Dissonance.I no believe there were ever aspects of dissonance that were good. But freed from the totality, some are being "corrupted." While others, like intellect, perhaps, are not in themselves dreadful. In any case, you're certainly right: balance must be restored, and they (He) must be destroyed.


(oog:Scott Auden)

These are things I not want to say for all to see. I will send you a private dream.

I don't like what I am hearing, I ain't no part of whatever this Dissonance thing is, never have been, never will be.
Me an Lamari are gonna find Atrox up wherever she is hiding, rip that green mask from her face and
make sure she doesn't do no more bad things to innocent people.
If anyone says they're gonna destroy me, they are in for a very hard lesson.
-Lamar, as I said I can not stand in one place for an infant amount of time. We did not agree on the terms and conditions that you set up thus the mists took me back to my lands. Where I am you would not be able to travel. I had only thought you would have forgotten about that by now but it seems you have not. Well I am sorry you did not catch me the next day but I am sure I will meet you again in the coming gather. It would be nice to meet up with you again and talk. I will join in your game if it would make you happy again.


And all you other shards,

Know that I not plan to "destroy" any of you and I thankful for what you do to help control Atrox and any others that get out of hand. Balance gotta be maintained.

Okay, so here's the deal:

I like nursery rhymes. There's something wonderfully innocent about them, so pure. I love them. The bad news is a lot of grownups don't know them... and for some reason you adventuring types don't want me to hurt kids to get them.

For every day there's a nursery rhyme here in my dreams, that's one less little one I hunt down. Sounds pretty reasonable, huh? And you go ahead and ask around, make sure I'm keeping my word. ::giggles:: Would I lie to you? Just no more "song that never ends" and we have a deal.

And don't you worry, oh oddly speaking brother... I can siphon undead all day long over in the Deadlands. I don't have to siphon or torture anyone living in order to heal up. I probably will at some point, but that seems to ruin my chances to have Prolon as my bestest friend.

Oh! ::sits bolt upright:: Ona, you smart little yellow thing you! You're right: there are too many for us to balance. Almost like someone SHOULDN'T BE HERE or something ::sits cross-armed, sulking:: Party pooper.

Hrrrrrmmmmm... what do I want while in this new form? ::puts her finger to her chin, thinking:: Just enough destruction and pain to be fun, but not enough destruction that I have nothing left to play with. Nothingness is so BORING. Nothing to do, because there's nothing around! No screams, no thrones on which to sit, nothing but nothingness. My newly little brother has focus and purpose... and for that I'll always hold a certain respect for him. But NOTHING? Really guy? That's no fun. And hahahahaaaaa. Let's see if you can get his name out of him. I ain't telling you.
Vat vas said bout zee numbers no balancing I 'ave a thought that does trouble my mind. Vat eef dere is vone dat we 'ave not met. Eef dis be dee case den should ve vorry bout dis?
There are a few I not yet see face to face and the red one not even speak in dreams. But I believe what Spirin say about the 7 to be true. If there be any truth to what he say his goal be than he got no reason to lie.

oh it is Saru! I didn't know you had a name... that would have been useful. I wish you had told me that before. Sorry I did get back to you. I was distracted by.... everything.. We shall play a game though. I am glad to know you want to play... you are braver than I thought. i will add you to my list... do you like lists?! they are very useful.

[small]Pointa...[/small] i am sorry... i miss you.. can we be friends again.. you can play games with me and the Saru.

Ona...! What is the red thing you speak of!? I want to know tooooo.. but the others wont tell me. There really are a lot of voices in here... its like being in my head, only a bit quieter..

Besser can we go now... I'm [small]BO[/small]RE[big]D[/big]!!!

The red guy be another one like you. He the one that Atrox says makes the husks.
Okay Atrox, Pointa will give you a nursery rhyme. Me didn't know what it meant until I went adventuring and understood that was the orders numbers went in. Hmm singing this makes Pointa hungry. Hope I get a turkey tonight so my plate is not empty. I will wear my hunting hat!

One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock at the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight:
Nine, ten,
A good, fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate's empty.

*sits with folded arms and a thinking look on whether to answer or not* Lamar... Pointa really wants to play one of your games with you and Saru. If I play your game will you play mine? When do we get to play the game?

Besser, if you go looking for Atrox I might be able to help you around the Deadlands. You need to promise no more breaking people's weapons when they fight a way you don't like.

You have been quiet. You dreaming? Did we meet everyone yet or are you hiding one from us?

Crap in a hat.. is this what i think it is? Nursery rhymes eh?

Seven sons of seven halls forged the axe of seven falls. The Evil lord of the ancient keep, fears the axes final sleep..

Old dwarven ditty from my home lands...
Wait wait wait some gingerskinned turd burgalur is cranking out the husks? I say ya round up a posse and shatter him or cover him on the opposite color of the spectrum... though red yellow and blue are primaries
. So green. Cover him in green
-Lamar, Yes I do have a name. I would have been glad to tell it to you though you had not asked. I am sorry to hear that you are bored and I hope your adventure brings you something to keep your attention. I am fine with being on your list and look forward to playing your game. It seems Pointa will be joining us after all. Till then.

Yeah, Lamari, we're leaving soon. I'm making sure these villagers know how to defend themselves.
One more time training against Husks should do it.

I will break any inferior object that makes people fight below their ability. By my beard I promise.
I only restored Zimps spear because it had family value.

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