Durnic's face is covered in sweat and his eyes are darting around under his closed eyelids. His arms shake and his breath is caught in his throat his right arm raises up, hand outstretched. Eventually his arm is wrenched to the side, as it by someone grabbing hold of it and yanking. His eyes snap open and he shouts, "I swear to fight evil without cessation!" He comes up to his knees, anguish evident on his face but his tendril has stopped moving. "I swear to..." the tendril retracts slightly... "not recoil..." more, more, the tendril retracts "before the enemies..." Durnic's arm is under his own control again when he finishes, "of my country!" He stands, both arms outstretched and through clenched teeth he shouts. Snapping like a rubber band, the tendril retracts and Durnic falls to his knees, drenched in sweat. He breathes out one heavy puff of air and collapses.