My thoughts will be quick

Why is it Tieran always seems to find a way to screw with my head whether in the dream realm or when we're face to face....

And don't even try because you're so young or it's so easy Teiran, I feel it has more to do with you than me.

You can feel free to keep thinking that Baelemar.

It would appear neither thinking or feeling translates well in the dream realm.

Good thing Tieran has joined this open conversation. This way the slight arguments and slander can go on to keep me entertained.

I find it a pity that the others have ceased their dramatics that amused me.
Because clearly Malachi's Dark Elf, we are all here to amuse you.

Though sarcasm be thy weapon, I'm glad we can agree on certain things.

If it would please you, Perhaps i should announce myself as "Theromossis Zhounil, Dark Elf of Malachi". That may be pushing it though, now that i think about it.

That is not how i wish to be remembered when i meet my final end.
Unfortunately, most people don't get to pick.

Cause after you die... you're dead.

I do.

But only about the opinion held by certain people.

You are not one.

Plus I will get to be one of those people.


I wasn't concerned if I would be one you would care how I remember you. I was just wondering if you cared. I know that I am not someone you hold in high esteem and I am fine with that.

Oh Baelemar.

Its so sad that you just don't get it.

And that you can't be more entertaining.


Sad that I don't get what? Perhaps you're just too old, or I might just be too young.

Age has nothing to do with it.

Unless your lack of years indicates a lack of mental development.

It is hard to tell what you mean a lot of the time Tieran. You tell me it's sad that I don't get it, but my question is what exaxctly is IT?

The thing you don't get, obviously.

I think i can help clear things up here. This was supposed to be entertaining watching people argue about stupid things.

With the introduction of Tieran to the dream, It was almost certain that this would happen.

From what i have understood thus far, Tieran is the most odd of these Biata. You must act completely opposite to how you would to any normal genuine person. It took me some time to get used to without being offended. After some practice, I was able to stay focused on what he was talking about (which most times) held words of enlightenment. I was not about to dishonor myself by losing control of a situation just because it was a surprise to me.

"It" might be that, but i am unsure. If not I'm sure T will let me know.

Either way, I would rather people complained about being woken up some more. It was funnier when they did that since we are obviously on different sleeping schedules.

While you have clearly learned a valuable lesson, it was not the one that Baelemar was supposed to absorb.

But I congratulate you and will swiftly change my tactics in dealing with you.

I zink zat iv people vant to zpeak to eachozer zen zey zould. Who carez vat ozerz zink. Oh vell. Ziz converzation makez no zence to me. All Ziz talk of IT... You all are odd people.
In respect, I find you to be odd to me Miss Rose. I find no good use from bright colors and see them to be distracting as well as repulsive.

I do not think this of you, but I cannot find a tasteful reason why one would enjoy donning such apparel.

So you are odd to me, Like most people i have come across on the surface.

IT equals The Lesson. I guess.