My thoughts will be quick

You could call it that...but right now im not sure if im going....and i have the feeling im going to get beaten again so on that note... i shall speak with you again soon...

Be safe and careful with your dreams and thoughts...there is always much to be discussed and discretion is always a wise path.


Your sea legs will find you once more.
And who knows. Maybe your sea legs are even faster than your real ones.

Does this mean you might be able to run on water?
Khaadi my dearest,

Let me talk with Jarrin tonight and I will send a missive if i will be joining you on the ship. And I have a gift for you the next time we meet.


If i were able to run on water...those Vacarins would be dead haha!
Khaadijah, Thank you your words are wise. Cuar our conversation will be brief I wouldn't want to disturb anything. As for the Vacarians aren't they already dead?
Finaly I get to zleep. I hope you haven't done anything zat vould put yourzelfe at greater rizk zan you ave already. Ze lazt zree dayz hav been...Exhauzting. So you vill be in ze contezted landz till June? I hope zat you vill rezink ziz. It iz too much ov a rizk to ztay zere for zo long. Zen again I only know vat my zizter haz told me. Take care ov yourzelve. Die loudly.

Lanna Rose
If you have to die at all.

Do it with your clothes on.
Lana, my dear sweet friend, you haven't been here for three days I'm staying in a ducal outpost. I'm very safe. I have no other place to go so why shouldn't I be somewhere I can do do the best good. Unless you are extending an invite I mean. Jarrin V.
I cannot invite you! I'm home vith my family. I don't zink zey vould enjoy your company much. Zorry to zay but zey are more cloze minded then I. And I ave only rezently come to realize zat not every vone iz vat I grew up believing! I vish zat I could tell you everything but zat vill ave to vait. I vill see you in June unlez you get yourselve kildt! Iv you do I vill be highly upzet.

Lanna Rose
Lana, I was only kidding I wouldn't want to travel that far not when my talents are needed here. I will see you in 2 months
It vill be goodt too zee you you save. For I don't believe zat you are telling uz all. Zen again due to vere you are I undetzand.
Lanna Rose
Lana it will be good to see you aswell though please I can't beg you enough don't summon any aura until it is needed. I can answer any questions you may want to ask me when we meet again. Until then please take care of yourself as I have promised you I will.

WOW, these two sure talk alot and ruin my naps. I almost fell of the top of Big Z's tower 'cause I was tossing and turning so much. Wake up, meet up and GET A ROOM ALREADY!!!!! That way I can at least get some sleep.

...You're zat creapy raven my zizter told me about. *shivers* I don't like ravenz..... Oh and you sould not zpeak about vat you don't know.
Lana this MaDcap is a raven, hmmm I just had a raven lastnight for dinner. Hmmm I will have to keep that in mind. Anyways MaDCap Lana is kind of touchy about people assuming things. And as a matter of fact so am I it would be kind of you to possibly keep those types of thoughts to yourself. Jarrin V.
*little growl*

We don't take well to people eating us. MaDCap is my friend..and if you choose to try and chomp him, my whole pack will have somethin' ta say about it...


Y'know, I was keepin' quiet cuz normally I don't get fed up with loud things. People've even called me loud; but sheesh, shush!

And discussing that you might have a plan to route the Dominion is kinda dumb in dream realm. The Dominion can hear us too.

Silly people.


Jarrin you are a liar. There is absolutely no way you had raven for dinner. Even the ones who aren't Kin are smart enough to stay away from hunters, let alone a loudmouthed Biata tromping through the Contested Lands. I listen to what I hear in this place and make judgments accordingly. It seems you are having a private conversation, so having it inside of FOUR WALLS, outside the earshot of every FRACKIN' being in the dream realm, including the Dominion, would be a good idea.

Lanna, if you are Winter's sister then I am sure you have many shiny bits to protect. The best way to that would be to stay as far away from Jarrin as possible. If he's loud enough in dreams to wake me from a sound sleep, he will no doubt attract the Dominion from far and wide while awake. Oh, and say HI to Winter for me.

Thank you for speaking with some sense. It has been too long my friend.


Hiya, Shenk. Sensible is my middle name...well, not really, but you know what I mean.

Welp, he's either a liar or a cannibal. Feathers shouldn't eat feathers unless you're a hawk or somethin'.

Otherwise that's just wrong....
