Planning on Playing a Dryad?

my home chapter has the BOMBDIGGETYEST (yup its a word now) dryad story line going on with NPCs. the introduction of the dryads is amazing and this past event we met one that had gone terribly wrong because he woke up in a dead part of the forest and so..poor lil nettle woke up to death...was so sad...and then ashara and barky had to turn their backs on him because he'd lost it and stuff...was soooooooo sad!!!! the walk through first forest ROCKED!! although i'm a bit angry that gypsies really COULDN"T pick jelly beans from the air since through the walk through first forest tzydl and roth were plucking invisible jelly beans outta the air but oh well....i'm so excited to make Tempesta DeepReed that I could bounce...for christmas i think i'm getting more costuming parts!! but i have to play tzydl and NPC this next season so i guess tempesta will come out in 2010 heheheh maybe make an appearance at the end of 09
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
the walk through first forest ROCKED!! although i'm a bit angry that gypsies really COULDN"T pick jelly beans from the air since through the walk through first forest tzydl and roth were plucking invisible jelly beans outta the air but oh well...

That was Corey making a joke as I was doing the description for the Forest and me going along with it. I didn't think anyone would take it seriously!
there's been 0 plot for dryads in HQ as far as i know so next season is going to rock because we are going to have PCs playing what will esentially be a monster race until they are made citizens. plus with all the other rule changes... it's going to be a wild season next year.
well since three of the people who npc'd the dryad race for the first time at the national event are staff members of my home chapter it just worked out for us to get alot of dryad stuff...
there was a fair amount of Dryad stuff happening the last event in Caldaria too. ^_^ It was pretty rocking. My Dark Elf is really not all that sure what to make of them. He like it when they give him components! (Brian you rock) :D
okay and maybe my 3rd to last question about dryads....

if they are reed dryads aquatic plant types.........

I know you've already been asked this and i just missed it but.......can they do anything special under water? ie: breath? or they're just like everyone else and have to hold their breath?
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
okay and maybe my 3rd to last question about dryads....

if they are reed dryads aquatic plant types.........

I know you've already been asked this and i just missed it but.......can they do anything special under water? ie: breath? or they're just like everyone else and have to hold their breath?

Nope, no special powers under water.
Of course, were you to be under water, and had a hollow reed, I can see a dryad using said reed to breath underwater.

heheheheheh too cute! okay thanks so much!

will make sure to stock a ton of mini bamboo sticks in my wooden pouch..i've already got my wooden tableware in case she goes somewhere with silverware..and i'm getting her a wooden cup and bowl so that should be fun...
"Able to breathe underwater" seems like a really hard ability to roleplay...

"Dude, I think Dave is drowning."
"Nah, his char can breathe underwater."
::had a mouthful of breathfast when I read that:::

HEHEHEHHEEEEEEEEEEEE too funny!!!! in deadlands the entire hollow is an there is actually alot of water role play heheheheheheh
whats the stick part made of? i'm not sure i want to get hit with the stick part...
it's a real arrow shaft with the tip removed and a boffer tip added.
okay so...if you don't mind getting hurt more than usual then i suppose that's cool....honestly i get hurt enough with the billion and 8 safety precautions we take in alliance...i've gotten a spell packet to the chin, cheek and earlobe with an earing in it enough to not want anything even remotely painful around. speaking of which JEEPERS those spell packets sting when they get you in ....sensitive places??? i mean sting!

Wearing some armor helps with those "sensitive" places :)
yeah...gypsy artisans prolly not gonna be rockin' the armor thing heheheheh my husband has sweet armor but i could start wearing a leather bodice i guess!fashionable yet protective!
tzydl is the one that is supposed to be financing the battle not fighting in it...for some reason i always tag along to see what happens and get lambasted...i really should make her stay home more often heheheheh someone should say "THIS IS A ROLE PLAY MOD...i'm about to hook all the people who can't fight at all" heheheh i'd line up
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
tzydl is the one that is supposed to be financing the battle not fighting in it...for some reason i always tag along to see what happens and get lambasted...i really should make her stay home more often heheheheh someone should say "THIS IS A ROLE PLAY MOD...i'm about to hook all the people who can't fight at all" heheheh i'd line up
