This is the post that never ends (Again)

What kind of good do you see coming out of a giant supply of methane?
I don't know that that would improve out environmental standing much ;-)
I don't know that even under the fruit diet we'd be producing enough methane to run a car...
Plus its not like you'd want to drive anywhere, what with the smell and all.
Maybe by the inside of the car... but that does not eliminate the problem.
$4 a gallon is getting closer.
Watch out for those sidewalks.
Its sad.

Your only advantage is that you are gas powered and might be able to out run a fat guy.
Well if we can harnedess the Fat Guy, feed him fruit to power everything-than the problem will be solved. Besides if we all smell of Fruit Poop-who'd really notice anyways.

And yes, Sidewalks are a tretcherous thing indeed, espically when it comes to tiny little bikes!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't be Sad...

Be happy your *** doesn't eat Mopeds!
That would be the worst scavenger ever.