This is the post that never ends (Again)

Too late.
Tieranology - The study of the use of words to make the bad guy even more pissed off at the PCs than he already is. ;)
I endorse and support the use of this word.
Screw that.

I am anything but urban.
My mom is into all that country stuff. Drives me bonkers. Nothing to do in Oklahoma on a Saturday unless you're into livestock. >_>
Sure you did, sicko.
The internet is boring today.

That is all.
That was not hugely entertaining.

XKCD has a much funnier strip up...
I shall have to read them... eventually...

Right now I have brownies...
That's fine that you think that.

Many people have opinions that do not reflect reality.
Depends what reality you are in Justin...and what exists within it.

Whoa.. I know Kung Fu.......

I know how to tie a knot in a cherry stem, I could tell you about Leif Erikson, I know all the words to De Colores and I'm Proud to Be an American...
None of these are impressive.