Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 21, 2009 #1,823 Tieranology - The study of the use of words to make the bad guy even more pissed off at the PCs than he already is.
Tieranology - The study of the use of words to make the bad guy even more pissed off at the PCs than he already is.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 21, 2009 #1,824 I endorse and support the use of this word.
M Marcena Paragon Apr 22, 2009 #1,825 I second the motion. Someone needs to put this on urban dictionary.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 22, 2009 #1,826 Screw that. I am anything but urban.
M Marcena Paragon Apr 22, 2009 #1,827 My mom is into all that country stuff. Drives me bonkers. Nothing to do in Oklahoma on a Saturday unless you're into livestock. >_>
My mom is into all that country stuff. Drives me bonkers. Nothing to do in Oklahoma on a Saturday unless you're into livestock. >_>
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 23, 2009 #1,831 The internet is boring today. That is all.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 23, 2009 #1,833 That was not hugely entertaining. XKCD has a much funnier strip up...
M Marcena Paragon Apr 23, 2009 #1,834 Cyanide and Happiness is updated each day.... Not sure when bogleech gets a new update, that's a good comic.
Cyanide and Happiness is updated each day.... Not sure when bogleech gets a new update, that's a good comic.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 23, 2009 #1,835 I shall have to read them... eventually... Right now I have brownies...
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 24, 2009 #1,837 That's fine that you think that. Many people have opinions that do not reflect reality.
S Sym of Moria Specialist May 14, 2009 #1,838 Depends what reality you are in Justin...and what exists within it. Whoa.. I know Kung Fu....... O
M Marcena Paragon May 14, 2009 #1,839 I know how to tie a knot in a cherry stem, I could tell you about Leif Erikson, I know all the words to De Colores and I'm Proud to Be an American...
I know how to tie a knot in a cherry stem, I could tell you about Leif Erikson, I know all the words to De Colores and I'm Proud to Be an American...
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 15, 2009 #1,840 None of these are impressive.