M Marcena Paragon May 27, 2009 #1,861 Like Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, Harry Potter and all those other movies I haven't seen...>_< And donuts win over brownies...brownies are just easier to make which is why I bring 'em to every event!
Like Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, Harry Potter and all those other movies I haven't seen...>_< And donuts win over brownies...brownies are just easier to make which is why I bring 'em to every event!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 27, 2009 #1,862 Best thing ever are butterrum pecan bars.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 27, 2009 #1,864 No way. Those are the best part. And they keep those people with nut allergies and dislikes from eating my dessert.
No way. Those are the best part. And they keep those people with nut allergies and dislikes from eating my dessert.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 28, 2009 #1,866 Its nice to have more posts than you again ;-)
M Marcena Paragon May 29, 2009 #1,867 Omigosh! You do! Holy crap...and you're STILL a count? That's lame. >_> Then again, Baron Justin doesn't sound too good...in fact, I think it's one of the signs of the apocalypse.
Omigosh! You do! Holy crap...and you're STILL a count? That's lame. >_> Then again, Baron Justin doesn't sound too good...in fact, I think it's one of the signs of the apocalypse.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 29, 2009 #1,868 I do wonder if that is next... I was kinda hoping it'd hit at 6400... but alas... though I seem to remember it being said that the ranks did not flip at round numbers.
I do wonder if that is next... I was kinda hoping it'd hit at 6400... but alas... though I seem to remember it being said that the ranks did not flip at round numbers.
M Marcena Paragon Jun 4, 2009 #1,871 How many posts it takes to advance. Mike V is automatically disqualified, though! Whoever guesses closest wins the pot.
How many posts it takes to advance. Mike V is automatically disqualified, though! Whoever guesses closest wins the pot.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 6, 2009 #1,872 Alright. You throw in 20 bucks and mail it to me and we'll get this started.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 9, 2009 #1,874 Pfft. That's totally not worth it for me.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 9, 2009 #1,876 Depends on the person. I will assign them a monetary value.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 10, 2009 #1,878 You have no claim on Spare and therfore your bet is invalid.
M Marcena Paragon Jun 10, 2009 #1,879 I claim spare one, I claim spare two, I claim spare three. It is done. So there.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 10, 2009 #1,880 No. Sorry. That doesn't work.