I think you guys are looking at this in a vacuum of life spells and being dead. There will be 225 points of healing in a column vs the current 67. That's 3x the current body. With the addition of extra body (Hardy) and extra armor (62 max), trust in your plot teams they won't come out just slinging deaths/corrupts at everyone. They do so now because magic item bloat is a thing. Cloaks and banes are a thing. All those protectives (which will still be things) are a thing. I think life isn't going to be as needed.
Adding a production version reverses the team work we are trying to encourage with 2.0. "Who has a life? I have 75 life potions. I think we are good with just spellswords and fighters, thanks scholars." How is that any different than it is now? Don't take the capstone's away from Earth Scholars. Otherwise we should add in a prison poison or prison trap globe. (Obviously not a good idea)
Life is a frickin’ terrible capstone, because it creates an exclusive effect with social expectations upon the caster.
At least it was reversible in 1.3 to a non-illegal Spell. It doesn’t even have that in .11.
If you have your primary Earth casters memorize a couple rebirths each and memorize no other Life spells, I promise you those guys’ll get complaints. When was the last time a C caster received a complaint about not memorizing enough Prisons?