Wide spread questions

Nope, you can only have one or the other.

Technically you could have one physrep with multiple spell books inside it similar to a binder of some sort, but spell book can either contain one type of spells or the other not both.

It's not directly stated in the rulebook, but there is a reference to the tag that goes with a spellbook on page 99 of the rulebook:
Within this spell book is a card from Logistics
that lists every spell. Each spellcaster’s
individual book will have the spells that the
caster does not know crossed off the card.
This card must be kept with a real spell
book physical representation.

The Logistics tag for the book is either for Earth or Celestial, there is no "combined school" tag. As the rulebook states, the tag has all possible spells for that school on it and Logistics will literally cross off any spells that your book does not contain. When you add new spells to your book, you will get an entirely new spellbook tag at Logistics. This process repeats until you have a full spellbook.

It's not fully described in the book, but that's what happens, so to finally answer your question, you need separate spellbook tags and physreps: one for celestial magic and one for earth magic.
Can multiple people use one spell book in one logistics period?
Thorador said:
Can multiple people use one spell book in one logistics period?

Yes, for all logistics cares you may pass the same spell book down the line during check in (please make sure your characters would reasonably be willing/able to share though!)
Lets say I have a Magic Item that is a bag. Is that bag then rendered? If it is a times ever item when I use all the times ever is it no longer rendered?

If the bag is rendered will it protect my Potions/gold from explosions or other item destroying traps or effects?
1. Rendered items within a bag will not render the bag. If the bag itself is enchanted with something that renders thing, yes the bag is rendered.

2. Times ever magic items are not rendered.

3. If the bag is of an enchantment that renders it, yes, your stuff is safe from explosions. That's why Gandian keeps a rendered bag. If a Shatter of Destroy targets something in the bag (I summon a force to shatter your spellbook!), that item can be destroyed, though (unless it's rendered as well, of course).
so my 4 times ever bag is not rendered, nor is Gubba with her 3 times ever cure light wounds? hrm

Can I add another enchantment on to the bag I bout in game with MI picks?
Any item can have up to 20 total rituals on it. If you wish to put more rituals onto an item then go ahead as long as it doesnt reach past 20. As for if SoMn will allow you to stack more onto an item, that you will have to ask the GM or the Owner.
If you have been taught a skill and have a teacher card, but haven't put any build into it, can you still teach that skill?
Say I have armor rated 12 points (my physical rep) and I buy a 15 point armor in game. I have to actually have a physical suit of armor rated at least 15 points to wear said bought(in game) 15 armor? The book was a little sketchy on their example.

Another question. Say I start a character with: 4 level 1s, 4 lvl 2, 4 lvl 3, 3 lvl 4 and 2 lvl 5 spell slots. How many actual "spells" do I know in my spellbook? Do I have to purchase the spells from a guild right away or do I begin with a few known already?
Darkcrescent said:
Say I have armor rated 12 points (my physical rep) and I buy a 15 point armor in game. I have to actually have a physical suit of armor rated at least 15 points to wear said bought(in game) 15 armor? The book was a little sketchy on their example.

Another question. Say I start a character with: 4 level 1s, 4 lvl 2, 4 lvl 3, 3 lvl 4 and 2 lvl 5 spell slots. How many actual "spells" do I know in my spellbook? Do I have to purchase the spells from a guild right away or do I begin with a few known already?

Yes, your armor would have to rate for 15 points, meaning you'd either have to get more points rated on your armor, or tear of 3 points off of the tag.

When I created my spell caster, they let me choose my initial spells I was able to cast, but afterwards you have to go to a guild and purchase the ink. You have to have another spellbook to copy out of. The guilds may or may not let you use their book, but I know plenty of adventurers who would be willing to let you use theirs to copy out of.
This is a local chapter question about Return

If a power is returned to me - if I have a different one in memory (IE multiple pins) can I cast it again (before the 5 minute timeout)?
Harlequin said:
This is a local chapter question about Return

If a power is returned to me - if I have a different one in memory (IE multiple pins) can I cast it again (before the 5 minute timeout)?

Yes only that one specific use is out of play for the 5 minutes
Darkcrescent said:
Another question. Say I start a character with: 4 level 1s, 4 lvl 2, 4 lvl 3, 3 lvl 4 and 2 lvl 5 spell slots. How many actual "spells" do I know in my spellbook? Do I have to purchase the spells from a guild right away or do I begin with a few known already?
With your Starting Spellbook (the one you get Day One), Marshalls should write you a single spell per level per slot for Free (it's part of your "starting equipment"). That is, You will be able to choose:
  • 4 First-Levels Spells (from the list on whichever School)
  • 4 Second
  • 3 Third
  • 3 Fourth
  • 2 Fifth
If you have enough spells to get all the spells on a given level, excellent; if you don't, you need to choose which are marked off (eg., there are five Spells in each School on the Second Level, you would choose four to be written into your book at Logistcs, that last would need to be acquired later).
Mobius said:
With your Starting Spellbook (the one you get Day One), Marshalls should write you a single spell per level per slot for Free (it's part of your "starting equipment"). That is, You will be able to choose:

4 First-Levels Spells (from the list on whichever School)
4 Second
3 Third
3 Fourth
2 Fifth

Makes perfect sense. Thanks.
Side question to logistics about spell books, can you spend Gobbies to ad spells to your book?
Will you guys allow layering armor? I have a padded jacket thats 1, and bracers that will be 1.
matrim1985 said:
Side question to logistics about spell books, can you spend Gobbies to ad spells to your book?


matrim1985 said:
Will you guys allow layering armor? I have a padded jacket thats 1, and bracers that will be 1.

No layering armor is not possible under our system only the heaviest material per location. Although a Jacket and Bracers are separate locations