Wide spread questions

While a monster is ripping free from a bindo effect, can it use abilities such as dodge?
It cannot use the Dodge or Evade ability while ripping from bindo. However, it can Phase. Now, I'm pretty sure using Phase doesn't reset its "rip-count" but I may be wrong.
Yes it does.
¿Are you sure about Phase reseting Rip-Counts? Do you have an ARB or Addenda citation? I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious. I heard from someone else that the old:
  • Web
    Rip Count-1
    Rip Count-2
    KillingBlow Count-2

    Rip Count-1
    KillingBlow Count-3 --> Dead

Didn't work anymore. ¿Is Phase outside that cycle? Where are all the count reset rules written up?
Mobius said:
¿Are you sure about Phase reseting Rip-Counts? Do you have an ARB or Addenda citation? I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious. I heard from someone else that the old:
  • Web
    Rip Count-1
    Rip Count-2
    KillingBlow Count-2

    Rip Count-1
    KillingBlow Count-3 --> Dead

Didn't work anymore. ¿Is Phase outside that cycle? Where are all the count reset rules written up?

I dont remember where its at at the moment

if in your example the stuff in green is from the same person then you cant do that.

Phase is like other smart defeses (cloak/bane), if you use them while ripping free/rifting/going gaseous you have to restart your count
You're right about it being the same person, but I was trying to colour-code it to show the two opposing sides. If it's coloured for people:

  • Web
    Rip Count-1
    Rip Count-2
    KillingBlow Count-2
    Rip Count-1
    KillingBlow Count-3 --> Dead

Either way, I've heard the above is no longer kosher, but I can't find anyone who can cite any evidence to support this belief (other than that makes Bindo=OP and Ripping-From=Crap - which I'm fine with). Hence, my confusion.

I think this, and the last few ritual based questions, are starting to veer from the OP's Intent to get marshal and more experienced player answers to basic questions not ritual questions or stuff related to high magic vs monster ability. Questions like this one could spawn a 10 page debate and have folks from various chapters chimming in with "this is how we do it" while I think its a worthwhile question to be clarifying I think it might exit the scope that was intented and been kept for this post and thus perhaps this bad boy can be moved to the rules section of the boards?


If I overstepped myself sorry and feel free to correct me.

As I understand, If its ripping its not incapacitated or willing which is required to deliver a KB. Thus no matter how fast you call out your KB it wouldnt work. Phase doesnt come into the equation here other than resetting the count and allowing you to hit the guy/gal a couple more times.


Mobius said:
You're right about it being the same person, but I was trying to colour-code it to show the two opposing sides. If it's coloured for people:

  • Web
    Rip Count-1
    Rip Count-2
    KillingBlow Count-2
    Rip Count-1
    KillingBlow Count-3 --> Dead

Either way, I've heard the above is no longer kosher, but I can't find anyone who can cite any evidence to support this belief (other than that makes Bindo=OP and Ripping-From=Crap - which I'm fine with). Hence, my confusion.

It has been clarified before that you can not KB something that is ripping free
Question about Alchemy books. I know spell books require magic ink, but in the book it says Alchemy books don't require special ink. So what would be stopping someone from just copying their book down multiple times over (aside from the fact of having to have multiple physreps) in case they're worried theirs gets destroyed or stolen?
Nothing at all. If you want to have two books for your alchemy then do it. Remember that you don't need to have your book on you at all times, only at logistics or if someone wants to copy it. The biggest thing however, is that if your book has more then one thing in it, if its destroyed, everything that was in it is gone too. That means your spell book if you had it there, and scrolls you may have stuffed in it. Kinda makes you want to render your spell book, doesn't it...
once your spell book is rendered, you cannot add any more spells to it.
2 Questions:

1. You can Awaken yourself from a Shun, correct?

2. Where does a Spirit Linked item appear when a character perms: The earth circle (where their spirit last was), or at the reformed permed body?
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
2 Questions:

1. You can Awaken yourself from a Shun, correct?

2. Where does a Spirit Linked item appear when a character perms: The earth circle (where their spirit last was), or at the reformed permed body?

1. After to move the 10 feet away you can.

2. At the reformed body
Sorry all, for being the most newbish person ever, but, I'm under 16, and I'm still interested in LARPing, is there any way I could stil get involved.
The first thing we need to do to answer your question is to ask some questions. Where are you located? How old are you?

Depending on that each specific chapter has a policy regarding what age players can participate and to what extent. So you best bet is to contact the chapter thats nearest you directly and see what you can do.

In either case, if your under 18 you'll need a parents permission to play.


Hello Puppetmaster! Thanks for your interest in our LARP!

If you're under under 14 (a specific age would help us out here), I'm not sure of the extent of your participation possibilities. You might be able to be a page (non-combat, role-playing only), but that might also depend on insurance and other factors. I believe that minimum age to participate in combat is 16 with a parent/legal guardian present on site for the entire event.

However, I am not 100% sure on the page policy so please e-mail the chapter: info@mnalliance.com and some one with authority on this will let you know the official answer.
3 questions:
1. How many gobbies does it take to gobi an event?
2. How many gobbies does it take to blanket an event?
3. How many game days of experience do you get for gobieing an event?
deoman said:
1. How many gobbies does it take to gobi an event?
30 gobbies per day:
To blanket a 1-day (Saturday or Sunday only) - 30 gobbies
To blanket a 2-day Weekend (Friday-Sunday) - 60 gobbies
To blanket a 3-day Long weekend (Friday-Monday) - 90 gobbies
To obtain a monthly blanket (1 extra day of exp) - 30 gobbies

deoman said:
2. How many gobbies does it take to blanket an event?
See above.

deoman said:
3. How many game days of experience do you get for gobieing an event?
You get the same number of days as if you had actually PC'ed the event.
