Search results

  1. Willem Rivet

    House allegiances in Rathfall

    Goodman Morris, In Rathfall, there are many paths to Renown, but the most culturally acceptable one is to seek out a noble House and pledge fealty to them. Each House has areas of concern that Unbounded (or Adventurers, that term remains to be decided) might consider worthy of focus, whether it...
  2. Willem Rivet

    Rathfall 6/9 event favourites

    1) Waking up as Montague and choosing violence. He was focused on his goal. "Baron Savage, would it be fair to say your purpose here is to gain standing to support your homeland?" "Well, yes..." "So, Baron Savage, if we were to both choose to support Trusken to the best of our abilities, you...
  3. Willem Rivet

    Notice on Noticing

    (Those familiar with Herchel feel his state of mind as a little precarious. He's always been *focused*, but this frame of mind seems noteworthy. To those new to Herchel, an intense and possibly unhinged mind sends this over the Dreaming. ) Hey Unbounded. You're going to be around, right? Geodes...
  4. Willem Rivet

    Gavaria April '23 PELs! Earn Gobbies!

    Heads up, first page of the PEL asks for your email twice.
  5. Willem Rivet

    April 2023 Event Favorites

    My Top Some Amount: Late night shenanigans that led to the quote: "Eli is...accurately phys-repped" Getting to bring almost all of the Dragon's Hoard. It was three 6-foot tables of glory. I need to hire help, man. Late night cleaning the Tavern with Penn. It's just my favorite ritual. And props...
  6. Willem Rivet

    Preparing for the Market-Get the most out of your Merchants! (Barter Spotlight)

    Oh! I forgot about Production! Most Merchants will take Production instead of Coin. The only real debate between Merchants is whether to accept those trades as half-value or full value trades. The debate rages on, with strong voices on both sides. Myself, if I have excess coin, I offer to buy...
  7. Willem Rivet

    Preparing for the Market-Get the most out of your Merchants! (Barter Spotlight)

    Hello adventurers! It's Willem with a hot tip for how to maximize your individual profit from this next Market Day: Barter! I know you already know the concept exists, but it might be worth looking back over it if you find yourself short of consumables, armor pieces or luxuries. While not every...
  8. Willem Rivet

    Baking Pre-Orders/Requests

    A tree! That's a solid symbol. I should make sure I bring envelopes and paper with me to the next Market. Get some use out of that. 4 Gold seems a mite steep for me, I'd probably say 1.5 to 2 gold. I might have an incorrect understanding of the intended size, maybe, so grain of...
  9. Willem Rivet

    Baking Pre-Orders/Requests

    Hello merchant Phantom, what would be the going rate for say 12 chocolate chip cookies? Unrelated: Did you get a wax-sealing stamp, and what was the design? Willem Rivet Owner of the Dragon's Hoard
  10. Willem Rivet

    Gavaria Donation Request

    List emptied as of now. If you have additional needs, please update. You are awesome. -JT
  11. Willem Rivet

    Rathfall Feast 2023 Favorites

    I also had a great time playing my Sad Boi noble, and my Angry Boi Earth's Chosen. Really any interaction as Bryas Montague. From talking to Adlao about the Malatite, to PCs about the last campaign against the Blight/"The Procession", I had plenty to say and confirm everyone's worst fears about...
  12. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    Then Goodman Beinae-Stormwolf, I accept your service. This may end the need of aid, but I would consider more. Ser Bryas Montague
  13. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    Lorelei Beinae-Stormwolf of the Golden Leaf Crown, I confess I am unaware of the nature of your title. Are you nobility of some sort? If you are, it would necessitate a discussion between us before I can accept your service. Ser Bryas Montague
  14. Willem Rivet

    Ups, Downs and Broken Crowns.

    Uh, hi Unbounded! I dunno if you remember me, but I'm Herschel? I'm the guy that was paying people to find the Honeycomb geodes and researching the alchemical Pin? I had a board where I was connecting points of data? I'm told it was distinctive. So I have fantastic news! I figured it out! I got...
  15. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    I accept your service, Goodman Elias Ursar. While this Triumvirate may suffice, I am looking for about two more to join this endeavor. There is much ground to cover, and Housemother Adlao has other duties she may be called away on. Ser Bryas Montague
  16. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    Then, Keeper Dramthin Hartsboon, I accept your service. I am looking for yet more to join this endeavor. Ser Bryas Montague
  17. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    Keeper Hartsboon, While your assistance and service is welcome, at this juncture the larger University presence is not. I am currently coordinating more than 80 individual Houses, their security details and concerns, not to mention the sanctity of the castle itself. In the future, you may have...
  18. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    I accept your service, Housemother Adlao. I am looking for yet more to join this endeavor. Ser Bryas Montague
  19. Willem Rivet

    From the House of Montague

    Unbounded, In an upcoming, to-be-announced gathering (OOG: Jan 6-8), I will require aid from some Unbounded. I will be something akin to a Master of Ceremonies for an event in Whitecrown proper to which your community and many many nobles will be invited. I require aid in the form of one to...
  20. Willem Rivet

    Looking for aesthetic help: Western, but not steampunk

    So after talking with some folks and seeing all those sweet pictures, I'm going to fuse those ideas into an "outdoorsy artisan". Thinking brown tones, pouches, some sewn bits for potions, maybe an earth-tone vest. Not looking to copper or cog it up, but definitely "survival of the fitted-est"...